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yes eventually the Germans went against Hitler x

gid on yes x


There were some plots against Hitle but there was neverany mass uprising against the Nazi regime.

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There was a well organized resistance movement made up of all nationalities throughout Europe in WWII.

Of course, the Jews come to mind first. They definitely resisted Hitler...and were German...yet they were powerless having been ousted from any government authority in the years, indeed the centuries, leading up to the war.

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Some. Some said he was crazy, but they have been shot to death after that.. So some ...

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Q: Did the German military try to stop Hitler?
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Why did Hitler and Mussolini provide aid to the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War?

They were both against the communists from the republican side, and they wanted to try out their military stretegies and weapons to prepare for their war. Also, Hitler was using it as a distraction from his doings in Nazi Germany.

What happened to Claus Staffenberg's family after his plot to kill Hitler was uncovered and he was executed and how were his survivors treated by German citizens after World War 2?

his son and his daughter is still alive. his wife died on 14th April 2006. and after the death of staffenberg's , Hitler try to find his family but unable to find them and after 9 months adolf Hitler commit sucide in his house after revolution of reserve army

Did any countries try to fight Hitler?

Yes a lot of countries were aganst Adolf Hitler and tried to kill him.

Why did Adolf Hitler try to over throw the government?

The objective of the UK and US was actually to capture Hitler, not kill him. Had they gotten to Berlin first, Hitler would have been captured, tried, and still likely executed. The Soviet Union, being led by Stalin, became headhunters. The Soviet Union had sustained over 20 million casualties from the war, and they were vengeful. All in all, the reason was because Hitler had started the war, and committed wartime atrocities such as the Holocaust. A group of German Army officers attempted to assassinate Hitler by planting a bomb in his wartime headquarters. The bomb exploded during a military conference but Hitler survived the blast and the conspirators were rounded up and executed -- or, in the case of Rommel (a national hero) offered a chance to commit suicide. Rommel took his own life to spare his family becoming the victims of Nazi reprisals.

How did the blitz affect Wales?

The Blitz happened in Wales because that is were long rivers are and Neville Chamberlin could do nothing but send his troops out to Cardiff, London and Swansea to try and shoot the German planes down and to try and stop them dropping bombs.

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What dog did Hitler try to abolish?

German Shepard

What group did Hitler not try to eliminate?

the list of groups who were not targets would go on for pages, it is easier to list who was a target:

How did the German military try to defeat the English during the World War 2?

after pushing the British out of Dunkirk the German military decided to turn his attention to russia and bomb England into submission.

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The allies tried to stop Germany by signing an agreement with Hitler.

What would happen to the people who tried to stop Hitler?

Some did try. They were arrested and put to death.

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Bertrand Russell championed anti-imperialism and campaigned against Adolf Hitler to try and stop war.

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they were all like, no you don't Hitler and Hitler was all like try and stop me and then France had no chance

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Because it was easier, smaller land - less people to try and stop him

Why was Hitler able to persecute?

Simple answer - because no-one was willing to try to stop him until too late

Why did Hitler try to invade Austria?

He wanted all German people to be ruled by Nazi Germany. Austrians are Germans- they speak German, and have a culture and customs that are closely related to Germany's.

What started the holacoast?

The Holocaust was the systematic genocide of Jews at the hands of the German military during World War II. The German military at that time was under the command of Adolf Hitler. It is estimated that 6 million people, mostly Jewish, were killed during the Holocaust.

Why did the Nazis wanted very big and unique military equipment during World War 2?

Hitler wanted to have new, unique and gigantic Military equipment, example is with the designs he had for tanks because, This would of been the early stages of ultimately militarizing German's Military. Hitler knew, If Germany would of won the war and once He dies or even during his reign, he would of have many revolts and the chance of countries secretly designing war equipment in order to try to wipe out and destroy the Nazis. So Hitler decided the bigger is better and that it would made countries like the USSR look stupid for not planning to upgrade their military.