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The Greeks really named quite a few.

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Rhett Strosin

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Q: Did the Greek name the constellations?
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Related questions

What were constellations name after?

greek gods

What does constellation mean in Greek?

"Constellation" is a Greek word, and constellations were first discovered by the Greeks, believed to be a greek called 'Homer'. I think constellations is the name given to them by the Greek, so therefore 'constellation' in Greek is 'constellation'.

How are Greek myths and constellations alike?

Greek myths explain the name (and origin) of many constellation names.

Who name stars assigning them to constellations and giving them greek letters?

Johann Bayer.

What is the scientific name of the constellation pegasus?

There is no 'scientific' name. It is simply called Pegasus and was one of the 48 constellations named by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy. Other constellations include Orion, Ursa Major and Andromeda.

What were the constellations named after?

greek gods

Why do constellations have such strange names?

Most constellations were named hundreds of years ago, in greek and latin.

Which constellations does the ecliptic pass through?

FANTASTIC question !!! The constellations along the ecliptic are the constellations of THE ZODIAC ! In Greek, "zodiac" means "ring of animals"

How did stars receive its name?

Stars received their names from the ancient Greeks and romans, who observed the constellations and named them after Greek myths.

Are all of the constellation names Greek?

Every single ancient country could see the sky, so each one had their on constellations. Most of them were Greek and Egyptian, but some were Islamic and Roman. The famous constellations are the Greek ones.

Who named stars by assigning them to constellations and giving them greek letter?

Johann Bayer was the first astronomer who named the stars assigned to constellations and gave them Greek letters. He began this system in 1603.

What is a name for stars that form a pattern?
