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Q: Did the Harvard law review really say that Obama was born in Kenya?
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Related questions

What prestigious role did Obama win at the Harvard law review?

When he was a student at Harvard Law School, Barack Obama became the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review.

President who was a Harvard law review president?


Who are past presidents Harvard law review?


Was Obama's father a communist?

No Obama father is a Harvard graduate economist. Obama father is from Kenya. Kenya is a former British colony. Their economic system is model after that of Great Britain

Is pres Obama the president of the Harvard law review?

No, Barack Obama was elected president of the Harvard Law Review on February 6, 1990 for the 1990-1991 academic year.

Who was the African American president of Harvard Law Review?

Barack Obama was the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review

How can you find the law review written by Barack Obama when he attended Harvard Law School?

There is a difference between serving on Law Review (which Obama did at Harvard) and writing a law review article which has been published. I did a Westlaw search for Obama as author and came up with no Law Review articles written by him.

Did Obama have any degrees or diplomas?

Obama earned his law degree from Harvard in 1991, where he became the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review.

Was Barack Obama president of Harvard law school?

Yes, he was president of the Harvard Law Review starting in 1990.

Who was the first black to be president of the Harvard Law review?

Barack Obama had that honor.

Did Barack Obama get a degree at Harvard Law?

Yes, President Barack Obama did get a degree at Harvard Law School, graduating in 1991. He was also the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review.

What is good about barack obama be sides him being the president?

that he was president of harvard law review