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Q: Did the Iroquois and the French sign a treaty?
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What treaty did Great Britain urge the colonies to sign with the Native American during the French and Indian war?

Iroquois Confederation

What did the French sign after the French and Indian War?

Treaty of the Curried Baguette.

What was we the people modeled after?

It was modeled after the Iroquois treaty.

What was the count of Frontenac mostly remembered for?

he convinced the Iroquois to sign a peace treaty. he expanded the west side of new france. he build a fort frontenac so there will be peace

What did Britain and France sign at the end of the French and Indian war?

the Proclamation of 1763

Who didn't sign of the treaty?

who didn't sign the treaty

What items did the French trade with the Iroquois?

They gave the Iroquois steel weapons

John rutledge brought an iroquois treaty with him to the constitutional convention. what famous words may that treaty have inspired?

we the people

Who provided arms to the Iroquois?


What is the treaty of La Grande Paix de Montreal?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, because "La Grande Paix de Montreal" means "The Great Peace Treaty of Montreal". Now, how did the treaty of The Great Peace of Montreal makes no sense, but the Great Peace Treaty of Montreal was the Peace treaty between the French and the Iroquois in 1701.

How did the treaty of La Grande Paix de Montreal contribute or lead to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

It was the peace treaty between the Iroquois and the French settlers in 1701. It started the charter by allowing freedoms for any race or religion and allowing more freedoms.

What was the role of the Iroquois leaders?

During the French and Indian War, the Iroquois sided with the British against the French and their Algonquin allies, both traditional enemies of the Iroquois. The Iroquois hoped that aiding the British would also bring favors after the war