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Many argue that the Japanese internment order did not find the right balance between national security and individual rights, as it unjustly targeted Japanese Americans based on their ancestry rather than evidence of threat. The order was later recognized as a grave injustice, leading to formal apologies and reparations for those affected.

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Q: Did the Japanese internment order find the right balance between these competing values?
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Can you use balance of power in a sentence?

The balance of power in the region shifted when a new alliance was formed between two major countries.

How did the Philadelphia delegates draft a document that would both meet the needs of the country and balance power between local and central authority?

The Philadelphia delegates drafted the US Constitution by creating a system of checks and balances that distributed power between branches of government. They also incorporated federalism, allowing for a balance of power between the national government and the states. Additionally, they included a process for amending the Constitution to adapt to changing needs.

What is relation between liberty and equality?

The relationship between liberty and equality is complex. While some argue that the pursuit of equality can enhance individual freedom by ensuring equal rights and opportunities, others caution that overly focusing on equality might restrict individual liberty. Striking a balance between these two values is crucial for achieving a just and inclusive society.

What is the difference between a cartel and a trust?

A cartel is an agreement between competing firms to control prices or limit competition in a specific market, often through collusion. A trust is a legal entity created to combine multiple businesses under common ownership to reduce competition and control markets. Both aim to restrict competition but operate differently in terms of structure and legality.

Do you believe there is too much or too little focus on the due process?

Due process is a fundamental aspect of a fair justice system, so it is essential to have an appropriate focus on it. However, the balance between ensuring due process and swift resolution of cases can sometimes be a challenge. Striking the right balance is crucial to uphold individual rights while also promoting efficiency in the legal system.

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What is simliar between Japanese Internment camps and the Holocaust?

The Internment camps for Japanese-Americans were structures and the Holocaust is a concept. There were camps within the Holocaust designed and used to imprison certain sections of society, much like the internment camps in the USA. But what went on in these camps was very different.

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Why were Japanese-Americans placed into internment camps following the attack on Pearl Harbor?

The internment camps were established to limit communication between Japanese-Americans and Japan due to a condern that the planning of the attack on Pearl Harbor could lead to a direct attack on the US mainland. There was no difinite connection that someone within the US was or was not involved in the planning of the attack.

Are Japanese internment camps always bad?

During World War II, virtually all Japanese internment camps were terrible places. A telling statistic is this: Of all American soldiers in German POW camps, the percentage that died was just slightly above the normal death rate expected for that time period. - between 1% and 1 1/2%.The death rate for Americans in Japanese POW camps was a staggering 35%.

Why were Japanese Americans to internment camps during world war 2?

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor some US officials thought the Japanese might have spies hiding among the ethnic Japanese populations in the US so they put the Japanese from the west coast into camps to watch them.The US population as a whole were too caught up in war hysteria to recognize a difference between Japanese living in Japan and US citizens with Japanese ancestry. They had somewhat less difficulty making a similar distinction between Germans and Italians (also at war with the US) and US citizens with German or Italian backgrounds.The internment revealed the level of distrust that Americans (and Canadians) had for those of Japanese heritage, and indeed for all Asians.

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Why were Japanese-Americans sent to internment camps during World War 2 -?

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor some US officials thought the Japanese might have spies hiding among the ethnic Japanese populations in the US so they put the Japanese from the west coast into camps to watch them.The US population as a whole were too caught up in war hysteria to recognize a difference between Japanese living in Japan and US citizens with Japanese ancestry. They had somewhat less difficulty making a similar distinction between Germans and Italians (also at war with the US) and US citizens with German or Italian backgrounds.The internment revealed the level of distrust that Americans (and Canadians) had for those of Japanese heritage, and indeed for all Asians.

What is a description of the difficulties people experienced at Manzanar?

The people at Manzanar faced several difficulties. As an internment camp for Japanese Americans, the facilities were always overcrowded. At times, there were both food and water shortages as well. There was also a lot of animosity between the Japanese Americans and the U.S. servicemen that were assigned to the camp.

What is is the difference between Japanese internment camps and Nazis concentration camps?

During WW II, the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese both inflicted horrible cruelties upon the people whom they placed in their various camps, the main difference being that the Nazis intended that no one in the camps would survive, while the Japanese were not specifically trying to kill everybody in their camps, although they did mistreat them terribly.

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What is the difference between an Japanese internal camp and a concentration camp?

The Japanese internment camps were sort of like special prisons for Japanese-Americans during World War II. The camps weren't very nice, nor was being imprisoned in them, but at the same time, the internees were not tortured or otherwise severely harmed. Still, it's not one of America's proudest moments. They were intended to keep Japanese-Americans on the West Coast from assisting the Japanese military if it ever invaded the USA. The Nazi concentration camps were special prisons that were initially meant to function a lot like the aforementioned internment camps. However, the Nazis didn't wait long to start doing terrible things to the internees, such as using them as slave laborers, performing medical experiments on them, or simply executing them. Unlike the Japanese internment camps, the Nazi concentration camps were intended primarily to get rid of any people that the government didn't like- Jews, Russians, Poles, Romany, homosexuals, political opponents, and so forth.