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Q: Did the Japanese target civilians in World War 2?
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How did Japanese imperialism affect World War 2?

unquestioned discipline of the Japanese soldiers and civilians!

What were soldiers ideas on targeting civilians during world war 2?

Generally, they didn't target civilians. The Nazi did, but allied forces didn't . Civilians in war are often considered just a product of war.

In what battle did Japanese civilians fight in World War 2?

The battle of Okinawa.

What did many Japanese Americans do during world war 2?

they were fare civilians but could been racist at and treated badly

How did world war 2 affect civilians and soldiers?

how did world war 2 affect the civilians and the soldiers

What was life like for civilians in Tokyo during World War 2?

Like their ally Germany, Japanese civilians had to endure US/allied "air raids" (aerial bombing). As for routine living; Japanese males were drafted into military service (as in Germany), and the females were sent to factories to support the war effort.

What was the effect on the Japanese during world war 2?

During World War II, the Japanese lost over two million soldiers, and over half a million civilians. Some of their cities were ruined. As, well as this, the Japanese lost a lot of government leaders. The war also took a huge financial toll on the nation.

How many Korean soldiers died during world war 2?

Korea was a Japanese Colony during World War 2. There is o recorded Military deaths of any Korean Soldier but 450,000 Civilians were killed during World War 2.

What did Japanese civilians think of Americans taking Pacific Islands in World War 2?

A good military will censor information. And to a certain extent that information was censored.

How did civilians brought war effort in world war 2?


What is the Total warfare?

Total war is where no target is off limits to a military force. This includes civilians and their property.

How many US civilians were injured in world war 2?

Only around 2,500 US Civilians were either injured r killed in World War 2.