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There is no evidence that Werner von Braun landed a rocket on the far side of the moon while he was employed by Nazi Germany.

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Q: Did the Nazi Werner von Braun land a Nazi rocket on the far-side of The Moon?
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Which German rocket pioneer in 1958?

This question is incomplete. Did you mean Werner Von Braun? He was the pioneer rocket scientist the US nabbed to build rockets. He was the first to design the rocket that went to the moon.

What is Saturn V?

Saturn V was a type of rocket used by NASA in the Apollo and Skylab programs in the 1960s and 1970s. It remains the most powerful rocket ever built, known for its ability to propel astronauts to the Moon.

Who invented the rocket to go on the moon?

The chief engineer of the Saturn V was Werner Von Braun, he was a captured German scientist. He also was involved in the development of the V-2 for the Germans in WW2.

What did werner von bruan do?

Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun(March 23, 1912 - June 16, 1977), a German rocket physicist and astronautics engineer, became one of the leading figures in the development of rocket technology in Germany and the United States.Wernher von Braun was probably the preeminent rocket engineer of the 20th century, the US would not have been able to get to the moon without him.

Who was Wernher von Braun and what was his connection to the Apollo moon missions?

Wernher Von Braun was a German rocket scientist, he worked for the U.s.A to develop their rockets like the Saturn 5 rocket for the Apollo spacecraft.

What was Wernher Von Braun famous for?

There are many things that Wernher Von Braun was famous for. Wernher Von Braun was famous for being a German rocket scientist who worked on rockets that went to the moon.

Is the back side of the moon visible to earth?

No it isn't. That's why they call it the farside of the moon.

Who was Werner von Braun?

Wernher Von Braun lived in Germany and helped the Nazis during World War 2 make V-2 bombs. After the war he moved to the U.S. where he worked in NASA and his Saturn V-5 rocket helped the first men land on the moon.

How did V1 and V2 rocket help the Saturn V rocket to take man to the moon?

The V1 and V2 rocket technology was developed and perfected by a team of German scientists under the leadership of pioneering rocketeer Dr. Wernher von Braun. It was von Braun, considered to be the top rocket engineer of the century, who was Germany's key leader in rocket technology that led to the success of the V1 and V2 rockets. Toward the end of the war, pioneer pioneer von Braun led his team to the American lines and surrendered to the Allies, rather than face being captured by the advancing Soviets. He and his team were brought to the United States, and after a period where their records were "bleached" by U.S. intelligence of their former past, they were put to work on the U.S. rocket programs. Von Braun became NASA's leader in rocket development, which culminated in the design and success of the Saturn V rocket.

Who was a famous man in Germany?

Albert Einstein was from Germany but fled the Nazis and went to US. Werner von Braun left Germany and went to US to design the rockets that took the Americans to the moon.

Wernher von braun why was he famaus?

He made the rockets for Germany in world war 2.And also made the rockets for N.A.S.A such as the famous Saturn 5 rocket to reach the moon.

Who invented Saturn V?

The success of the Saturn V rocket was largely due to its design under the direction of Wernher von Braun and Arthur Rudolph, German rocket scientists, who previous created the V-2 rocket. The Saturn V and Mercury-Redstone rocket programs were competing to make the trip to the Moon and the Saturn V rocket ultimately won.