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No, he has always gone to Hawaii. He was born in hawaii and grew up there.

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Q: Did the Obama family always go to Hawaii for Christmas or did they just start going there after he became President?
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Who was President when Hawaii was admitted into union?

Dwight David Eisenhower was president when Hawaii became a state.

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Eisenhower when it became a State and McKinley when it became a Territory.

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Hawaii and Illinois

Who was president during the year Hawaii became a state?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

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What states were admitted to the union during Dwight Eisenhower presidency?

Hawaii and Alaska were added while Eisenhower was President.

Who was president when the United States took over Hawaii?

Sanford B. Dole as the President of the Republic of Hawaii and the first Governor of the Territory of Hawaii. Other backroom leaders like Lorrin Thurston, Publisher of the Pacific Commercial Advertiser (Today's Honolulu Advertiser) and John Stevens, Minister to the Kingdom of Hawaii for the US Department of State were equals in establishing the coup d' etat.

Which person helped overthrow the Hawaiian monarchy and became the president of the new republic of Hawaii?

Sanford Dole

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Dwight Eisenhower was president of the U.S. when Hawaii became the 50th state. Is that what you mean by "control"?

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Eisenhower (and every President since then!) Hawaii and Alaska became states while Dwight David Eisenhower was in office.

Is Obama really an American or did he just want to become President of these US for some reason?

Yes, he is. he was born in Hawaii. Hawaii became a state in 1959. Obama was born in 1961