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Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.

Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.

Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.

Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.

Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.

Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.

Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.

Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.

Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.

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11y ago

Yes. the Romans had provinces in both Europe and Africa.

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Q: Did the Romans control the mediterranean sea?
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What two islands did the Romans control?

Mediterranean sea , Adriatic sea

What does nostrum mean and why did the Romans use the term?

"Mare nostrum" means "our sea" and the Romans used the term for the Mediterranean Sea. Once they gained control of all the Mediterranean countries, it was literally their sea.

What places did the Romans control?

The Romans once controlled all around the border of the Mediterranean sea, it was once call the roman lake

Why could Romans call the mediterranean sea our sea?

The Romans called the Mediterranean our sea because they conquered all the peoples who lived on its shores.

What does mare nostrum mean and why did the Romans used the term?

Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.

Why did the ancient Romans call the Mediteranean sea your sea?

The Romans did not call the Mediterranean "Your Sea". They called it "Our Sea", or Mare Nostrum, because they gained much power around the Mediterranean Sea, which therefore justified the Romans calling it their own sea.

Why did the Romans use the term mare nostrum?

Mare nostrum means our sea. It was a Roman nickname for the Mediterranean.our sea, esp. the Mediterranean to the ancient Romans.

Why did the Romans call the Mediterranean Sea Mare Nostrum meaning your sea?

The coastline of Italy is along the Mediterranean and it was used by the ancient Romans for shipping and food.

Who wanted the Mediterranean sea from the Romans?


Why did Romans fight the Punic Wars what did they gain?

Control of the Western Mediterranean; control of the Western Mediterranean.

What nickname did the Romans give the mediterranean sea?

It is mare nostrum (our sea).

What two island the Romans controlled?

Mediterranean Sea , Adriatic sea