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Q: Did the ancient Greeks or ancient egyptians build the Parthenon temple?
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What do the Greeks call the temple of Athena?

The Temple of the ancient Greek Goddess Athena is called Parthenon.

What is a famous building in Ancient Greece?

Today we would sat the Parthenon at Athens. To the ancient Greeks it might be the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World), or many others. All in the eye of the beholder, and people from different cities would tend to support their own temple as famous.

What is the name of the buildings that the Greeks builded?

Names of buildings that the greeks built were called The Parthenon, The Collesium, The Acropolis, The temple of Hephaestus, The temple of Athena

Where is the temple of Parthenon?

In the ancient city of athen in greece.

Which of the following was not built by the Romans Pantheon Column of Trajan Parthenon Colosseum?

The Parthenon was a temple on the acropolis of Athens and was built by the Greeks.

What is the ancient greek temple at the top of acropolis called?

The Parthenon

How do you spell Parthenon?

That is the correct spelling of the proper noun "Parthenon" (temple in ancient Greece, now ruins).

An ancient greek temple standing on a hill called the Acropoplis?

The Parthenon

How popular is the Parthenon?

In Athens, Greece, the temple to the pagan ancient Greek gods was the Parthenon. It is a popular tourist attraction.

Is Parthenon a sedimentary rock?

The Parthenon is an ancient temple on the Acropolis of Athens, Greece. Dedicated to the goddess Athena. Never heard of a rock called 'parthenon'.

Why was partheon built?

The Parthenon was built as a temple to the ancient Greek goddess Athena.

Where the Parthenon is an ancient greek temple which sits atop of?

The Acropolis in Athens.