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Before the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, one could move freely throughout Greater Berlin (Gross-Berlin). There were no physical barriers, and people living in the Soviet sector could cross into the Western sectors. In principle, one could be stopped by customs officials but it hardly ever happened. There were a few residents of East Berlin who worked in West Berlin and vice versa. Berlin was, in effect, a gap in the Iron Curtain. Moreover, there was no barrier between East Berlin and the rest of East Germany. Westerners were, however, not supposed to go beyond East Berlin.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Yes they did! Illegaly after 1961 when it was built and monitered by guards. People crossed cause they wanted to get to the democratic west and be free of their Eastern Communisum. There were many escapes that were made with sucess. And there were 239 failures which resulted in death-being shot down by a guard. The wall was very hated, which resulted in its tear down in 1989

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12y ago

The Berlin Wall sliced right through the heart of Berlin. It divided Berliners into West and East Berliners, until 1989 when the wall came down.

The Wall stretched over a hundred of kilometres. Not only did it run the center of Berlin, but also wrapped around West Berlin, which meant that Berlin was cut off from the rest of East Germany.

Maps of Berlin published in East Germany showed west Berlin as a blank.

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12y ago

nobody WA really allowed to cross the Berlin wall. many attempted but in result they either got shot by quards killed by oter soldiers . Mnay attempeted to cross the border just to get to the other side but later they just exstented the Berlin wall so that that wouldn't happen. many people tried jumpimg of houses or swimming in the river just to get to the otherside. but they resulted in punishemental behavioral actions .

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10y ago

Yes it did. It came down on the 11th and 12th of November 1989.

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14y ago

yes some people liked it the creators

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13y ago

Yes one woman could.

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Q: Did the Berlin Wall go through Berlin?
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Which countrys does the Berlin Wall go through?

Berlin wall separated east and western Germany. western Berlin belonging to Federal Republic of Germany. the wall was built 1961 and opened 1991. while its existence a socialist dictatorship prohibited the people of eastern Germany to pass the border.

What was the location of the Berlin Wall?

The wall was located in the city of Berlin,Germany and wound its way through the city for 60 miles.

Where is Berlin wall?

It used to be on a half of Germany so Berliners couldn't go through the western side. But,The wall got torn down in 1989.

What was the Geographic location of the Berlin Wall?

The wall was located in the city of Berlin,Germany and wound its way through the city for 60 miles.

Where was the Berlin Wall built?

The Berlin Wall was built through Berlin so that it circled East Berlin. East Berlin was the section controlled by the Soviets. East Berlin was kept isolated from the rest of the world except for the Berlin Airlift. No one could enter or exit without a special visa or risk a dangerous passage over the wall and through mines.

Why is the Berlin wall called the Berlin wall?

because the wall was in the city Berlin

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What event helped unite East and West Germany?

The fall of the Berlin Wall

What cities were divided by the Berlin Wall?

Berlin was the city divided by the Berlin Wall.

How long did the Berlin Wall last?

The Berlin Wall was 167.8 km (104.875 mi) long

What did the west Germans call the Berlin Wall?

They called the Berlin Wall "The Wall of Shame."