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Q: Did the british promise the blacks freedom during the revolutionary war?
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Related questions

What impact was the Revolutionary War on blacks?

they got more freedom

Why did blacks choose to support the British over the American colonists during the Revolution?

The United Kingdom promised them freedom from slavery for their military service.

How did the Revolutionary War affect slaves?

20 percent of Americans at the time of the Revolutionary War were black, and most of them were slaves. Slaves fought in the Revolutionary War with the intention of fighting for freedom. There was not much of a change for the slaves after the war because the South refused to cooperate. Slaves received freedom but the laws were not changed so the blacks were still not completely free.

What contrubutions did the blacks make to the US?

Blacks protested for freedom & equal rights which led to equality for all people in the U.S. Also they fought in many wars such as the Civil Wars, Revolutionary War(1st black man to die for his country-Crispus Attucks)

Who fought of in the Revolutionary War?

the Americans vs the British the Americans won and the British payed blacks to fight for them if they escaped from there owners.

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How did the blacks got there freedom?

abraham licon

What did emancipation mean for southern blacks?

It meant freedom

Is the Civil Rights Movement the freedom of blacks?


What happened to blacks before freedom?

everybuddygot mwi

Why was black codes created?

because whites did not like blacks so they would not have freedom. well they did have freedom BUT they wanted to limit their freedom

What president was in office when blacks were given freedom?

Abe Lincoln