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They replace The Mughal Empire in China

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Q: Did the british replace the mughal empire?
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Whom did The Mughal Empire replace?

the british

In which country the British replaced the Mughal Empire?

The British replaced the Mughal Empire in India.

What colony did the Mughal Empire became of when it fell in 1857?

When the Mughal Empire fell in 1857, it became a colony of British Empire.

In India the British replaced the Mughal Mauryan Gupta Empire?

India got its Independence on 15 Aug 1947 after British empire left and it is a Democratic country now.

The British colonization of India took place at the end of this empire.?


What country took control of India after the fall of the Mughal empire?

The British :)

When did the Mughal empire end?

The death of Aurangzeb, the 6th Mughal Emperor, in 1707, marked the decline of the Mughal Empire. The Mughal Empire ended when Bahadur Shah Zafar (1837-1857), was sent to Rangoon as a prisoner by the British, followed by the 1857 war of independence. He died in 1862.

What place did the British colonization of India took place at the end of this empire?


Why aurangzeb mughal empire cancelled the trading licence of british?

because he wanted to

Why were chartered to companies important to British imperialism in India?

They defeated the Mughal Empire and took control of India's government.

Most important reason mughal empire collapse?

The most important reason was the arrival of the British. Already succession problems were resulting in the collapse of the huge empire. There was a crack in the Mughal Empire, and it was deepened by the arrival of the British as they took ultimate control, colonized India, and made their own laws and rules, finishing Mughal culture for good.

What was the role of British East India Company in the decline of Mughal empire?

The British played a key role in the decline of the Mughal Empire in India. They imprisoned the last emperor, Bahadur Zafar Shah II, after trying him for treason.