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No. they were on of the Native American groups that farmed and formed "permanent" settlements(they didn't move). Besides, buffalo can't survive in a desert. There isn't anything for a large herbivore to eat.

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Q: Did the desert southwest Indians eat Buffalo?
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Did the southwest desert eat buffalo?

No. they were on of the Native American groups that farmed and formed "permanent" settlements(they didn't move). Besides, buffalo can't survive in a desert. There isn't anything for a large herbivore to eat.

What did the desert southwest eat?

The Desert Southwest Native Americans ate beans, squash, porridge, corn patties, buffalo, rabbit, cacti, nuts, dried berries, and wild rice.

What did the Southwest Desert Indians eat?

The Desert Southwest Native Americans ate beans, squash, porridge, corn patties, buffalo, rabbit, cacti, nuts, dried berries, and wild rice.

What did Indians eat?

the Indians ate buffalo and berries!

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What did the southwest Indians eat?

The southwest Indians also ate corn or maize. They hunted mammoth as well.

What did the Indians use buffalo meat for?

they used the buffalo meat to eat.

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They ate mostly corn and bisin