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half and half, the king had less to look after wich made it easier for hij to declare wars and become land-wealthy, but the barons and lords now had more power, power enough to defeat the king if they all got together.

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Q: Did the feudal system diminish or increase the power of the kings?
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What was the role of kings and queens in the feudalism system?

the monarchs during the feudal system were the feudal lords they were excepted to keep protection for their vassals

What was everyday life in the feudal system like?

the feudal system for serfs was a bad thing because they always had to do work for the kings,lord and/or knights.

What did the kings of the feudal system do?

he provided money for his community and made rules

What are the roles of kings lords knights or vassals and serfs in feudal system?

King comands everybody below him

Why is the diagram of the feudal system shaped like a pyramid?

because there are more peasants than any kings, knights or lords. kings are the least populus.

What is the primary characteristic of European feudal society?

The feudal system is a political system that was prevalent in Europe in between the eighth and fourteenth centuries. Most of the agricultural society was largely supported by the feudal system social hierarchy. In the feudal system, most of the rights and privileges were given to the Upper classes. In this hierarchical structure, the kings occupied the topmost position, followed by barons, bishops, knights and villains or peasants.

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No one caresss!_____________________revised:Kings under the feudal system generally had weak methods for gathering taxes and for ensuring their rule. The people were often reliant on local governing mechanisms.

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What was the fuedal system and how did it start?

the Feudal system was shown as a triangle with the monarchs(kings and queens) on the top then lords, ladies, and noblesthen priests, nuns, knights, and vassals finally there was theserfs and peasants.

How did the kings of Europe express their gratitude to the nobility support?

They did that - we are talking about the feudal system in the Middle Ages - by giving them lands, their proceeds and the authority over them in the King's name.

At the end of the Middle Ages power shifted from Feudal Lords to?

Kings and Popes... I believe. (: