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Q: Did the french revolution affect monarchies throughout the rest of Europe?
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How did the revolution affect other nations?

In the 18th into the 19th centuries, the French Revolution affected other nations both directly and indirectly. Directly, the Revolution created military conflict between France and other nations throughout Europe and beyond. Indirectly, the ideas and actions of the Revolutionists inspired similar movements elsewhere in Europe (and in the world).

How did the French Revolution affect other nations?

In the 18th into the 19th centuries, the French Revolution affected other nations both directly and indirectly. Directly, the Revolution created military conflict between France and other nations throughout Europe and beyond. Indirectly, the ideas and actions of the Revolutionists inspired similar movements elsewhere in Europe (and in the world).

How does monarchy affect people?

Monarchies affect people by limiting their power and voice in matters involving society. Monarchies are not as popular today as they were in the 19th Century.

How did the American Revolution affect Europeans?

It crippled the commerce between Europe and the New World.

What Old World events affect Americans?

Such as the American Revolution, and The Great Awakening. Those both affect and have affected America throughout her life.

How did the American Revolution affect people throughout the colonies?

It caused them to umm yeah get like smarter kind if

How did opposing ideologies affect conditions on Europe after 1815?

There were royal and secular governments that were both opposed to revolution

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Throughout history Denmark's location has made it a link for people and goods between the Nordic countries and Europe.

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how did the Crusades affect Europe?how did the Crusades affect Europe?

What effect did the Reformation have on Europe including Europe monarchies?

The protestant revolt did not affect the authority of the Catholic Church. It has the same authority that it has always had since it was founded by Jesus Christ in 33 AD. The Catholic Church's authority is from God alone so the actions of individual heretics cannot affect it except in a superficial manner.

Why were the surrounding countries in Europe especially concerned with what going on in France at the time of the Revolution?

Because they were near France so it would affect them.

How did the American Revolution affect Spain?

It threatened Spain's own colonies. Spain maintained a level of support throughout war in pursuit of its geopolitical interests.