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Q: Did the gram positive and gram negative bacteria included in the morphology of bacteria?
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What are the positive and negative aspects about bacteria?

The positive aspect about bacteria is that weak bacteria can be used to prevent or defend against other bacteria that harms the body which is the negative aspect of bacteria.

Is klebsiella gram positive or negative?

i believe it is a gram bacteria which causes respiratory illness.

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gram positive bacteria

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it is positive

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A guess ;positive or negative bacteria spider(insect).

Which Gran Positive or negative which is more serious?

Gram positive bacteria responds to the Gram stain; gram negative bacteria does not. The two bacteria do not respond to the same antibiotics. Right now the most dangerous bacteria is a gram negative bacteria. That could change.

Does Tetracycline kill gram positive or gram negative bacteria?

Tetracycline kills both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The mode of action to which Tetracycline works to kill bacteria is that it inhibits protein synthesis which works against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

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Economic importance of bacteria

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Name of gram positive and gram negative bacteria?

What bacteria is indole negative urea positive methyl red positive hydrogen sulfide positive and lactose negative?

urease negative

What types of bacteria do antibiotics kill?

Gram negative and gram positive bacteria.

Give the example for gram positivegram negative bacteria?

Typical gram-positive bacteria are staphylococci; typical gram-negative bacteria are bacilli.