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Neither was strong enough to win. The Republicans were bound to win, after the Democrat Party split in two.

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Q: Did the north or south democrats win in the election of 1860?
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What issues divided the Republican Party in the 1860's?

The northern Democrats supported Stephen A. Douglas for President in 1860, but the southern Democrats withheld support for Douglas. The South demanded that Douglas repudiate the Freeport Doctrine and support a federal slave law. The Douglas supporters pointed out that to do that would drive the northern Democrats into the Republican Party.

How did Lincoln win the 1860 presidential election?

The Democrats had split into two factions - a North and a South wing - so the newly-formed Republican Party was bound to win the 1860 election. Lincoln had been nominated as its first presidential candidate because he was moderate on slavery.

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Was it true after the election of 1860 the south felt that the north was unwilling to except majority rule?


Why was the South weakened by lack of political parties?

The South had basically the Democratic Party with which to bring their issues to the Federal government. The problem was that in the 1860 presidential election, the Democratic Party was present in both the North and the South, but a disunited party. This fact weakened the impact of the Democrats.

Was John Bell the nominee of the southern democrats in the election of 1860?

No, John C. Breckinridge was the nominee of the Southern Democrats in the election of 1860. John Bell was the nominee of the Constitutional Union Party.

Who was nominated for president by the northern democrats in the election 1860?

Stephen A. Douglas, US senator from Illinois was their candidate in 1860.

Who was nominated president by the northern democrats in the election in 1860?

Stephen A. Douglas, US senator from Illinois was their candidate in 1860.

Who was nominated for president by the southern democrats in the election of 1860?

john c breckenridge

Why did the democrats split into the northern democrats and the southern democrats during the election of 1860?

The groups disagree about how slave laws should be decided in the territories

Why did Lincoln win the presidential of 1860?

Lincoln won the presidential election in 1860 because the states were in disarray and divided. This allowed the Democrats to have the upper hand in the election.