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nooo that guys wrong the reason why it crumbled was because of economic vitality and poor leadership.

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Q: Did the ottoman empire become superpower or did it crumble?
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Did turkey become the center of the Ottoman Empire?

Yes. Turkey was the political center of the Ottoman Empire.

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Ottoman Turks and Germanic tribes , the program of crusade also helped the crumble of eastern roman empire.

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Istanbul became the capital of the Ottoman Empire in 1453.

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Mesopotamia became part of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century as a result of the conquests of Suleiman the Magnificent.

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Did the Crusaders see Gothic architecture in the Ottoman Empire?

Yes and No. The Crusaders saw Gothic architecture in territories that would eventually become Ottoman, but the Ottoman Empire did not exist during most of the Crusades and when it did, it was small and out of the way.

Why did the size of the Ottoman empire contributed its decline?

As the Ottoman Empire expanded in size, it become more difficult for a centralized power to control all aspects of the empire. One consequence of this was that local leaders gained more autonomy, and made decisions that were not in the interest of the empire. The Ottoman Empire was in existence from 1299 to 1923.

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The Ottoman Empire was populated by the

Which nation did the Ottoman Empire belong to?

The Ottoman Empire was a nation.

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