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The Pilgrims sought religious freedom from the Church of England, prompting their migration to America. The Puritans, on the other hand, sought to create a society based on their strict religious beliefs and did not necessarily support freedom of religion for other groups.

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Q: Did the piligrims or puritans want freedom of religion?
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What does freedom of religion or freedom of religious expression mean?

Freedom of religion or freedom of religious expression refers to the right of individuals to practice their religion or beliefs without interference or persecution from the government or others. This includes the freedom to worship, assemble, and express religious beliefs in public and private settings without fear of discrimination or coercion. It is a fundamental human right protected by many international agreements and constitutions around the world.

Why do you think that the puritans did not want a dissent?

The Puritans believed that their interpretation of religion was the correct one and saw dissent as a threat to their community and beliefs. They wanted to maintain unity and conformity within their society in order to uphold their way of life and protect their religious values. Dissent was viewed as a challenge to their authority and a potential source of division and discord.

Why is freedom of religion so controversial?

Freedom of religion can be controversial because it involves balancing the right to practice one's beliefs against potential conflicts with laws, rights of others, or societal norms. Differences in beliefs and practices can lead to tension and clashes when individuals or groups feel their freedoms are being restricted or when beliefs are perceived as harmful or discriminatory. Additionally, geopolitical factors, historical conflicts, and power struggles can also contribute to the controversy surrounding freedom of religion.

Should religion be abolished?

The decision to abolish religion is a complex and personal one. It is important to respect individual beliefs and choices, as freedom of religion is a fundamental human right. Rather than abolishing religion, promoting mutual respect, understanding, and dialogue between different faiths can help foster tolerance and harmony in society.

Why did the Puritans live in small towns?

The Puritans lived in small towns as a way to create close-knit communities that shared their religious beliefs. They believed in establishing communities where they could practice their religion freely and govern themselves according to their beliefs. Small towns also helped them maintain social order and discipline among their members.

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What did puritans want to find in American?

The Puritans were seeking religious freedom.

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Did William Penn want the colony of Pennsylvania to be a safe haven for Puritans?

No. Actually is was supposed to be a save haven for Quakers. William Penn wanted freedom of religion.

Why did the puritans want religious freedom but did not want to grant that freedom to others?

Its because the puritans were not able to accept anyone's beliefs but their own

What is freemon of religion?

Is the freedom to practice any religion you want and in the United States we have freedom of religion.

What is one of the four freedoms that roosevelt identifies in his four freedoms speech?

Freedom of expression

What did the first Americans want freedom of?

freedom of religion

What are Freedom of religion and freedom of expression?

Freedom of religion allows people to believe what they want and to express themselves through a church or not. There is no state religion and the government is secular. Freedom of expression is freedom of speech.

Why do you have freedom of religion?

we have freedom of religion because the world is a diverse place, and we wouldnt want to favor any religion over others. thats's why.

What does freedom of religion or freedom of religious expression mean?

Freedom of religion or freedom of religious expression refers to the right of individuals to practice their religion or beliefs without interference or persecution from the government or others. This includes the freedom to worship, assemble, and express religious beliefs in public and private settings without fear of discrimination or coercion. It is a fundamental human right protected by many international agreements and constitutions around the world.

What freedom did the colonist of maryland want?

Freedom of religion was the freedom that the colonists of Maryland wanted.

Why were Puritans hostile toward the Quakers?

The Quakers werent listening to them, because over their was no religious freedom like here in the U.S. so the puritans want to KILL them.