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Q: Did the riojasaurus leave its eggs to hatch alone or did they sit on them?
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they leave them to hatch alone

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it left it to hatch alone

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They left the eggs alone

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Leave them alone. They will hatch out by themselves.

How do you hatch hermit crab eggs?

Leave them alone, let the mother do the work, and leave them in the SAME EXACT spot. they will hatch by themselves eventually. (This answer may not be true so ask your local pet store, or surf the web.)

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leave them in hope of hoping they will hatch

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If aMother turtle dont leave its eggs will the eggs still hatch?

yes unless the eggs are eaten then no

You recently found 4 birds eggs what should you do?

If you found them under a momma bird in a nest, leave them alone. If not, toss them in the garbage - they're not going to hatch anyway.

How do king cobra take care of their young?

They do not. The female takes care of the eggs till they hatch and then on the young ones are on their own. The parents have no part in taking care of them.They also leave their young alone...

You found a pigeon egg what do you do?

Leave it there, chances are that if you leave it alone, the eggs will hatch, the parents leave, then the babies will learn to fly, and leave as well. Also, don't touch the eggs, because it is possible that if the parent doesn't recognize the scent of their eggs, then they will leave it.