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Q: Do snakes leave their eggs to hatch on their own?
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Do mother snakes take care their young?

No, a tree boa snake keeps it inside them untill they hatch, then they never see them again

How does a snake care for its young?

They don't. While some snakes guard their eggs against predators, once the eggs hatch or the young are born they are left to their own devices.

Do mother snakes care for their young?

Many reptiles don't bother. They simply lay the eggs and cover them over with earth - then abandon them to hatch on their own. Some snakes (especially venomous species) coil around the clutch or stay nearby - to 'guard' the developing babies. Crocodiles and alligators also guard their 'nest' against predators.

How do king cobra take care of their young?

They do not. The female takes care of the eggs till they hatch and then on the young ones are on their own. The parents have no part in taking care of them.They also leave their young alone...

Does the leopard gecko's mom leave as soon as they are born?

The mum lays the eggs then leaves. She doesn't wait for them to hatch. The hatchlings have to cope on their own.

Who takes care of the baby pythons?

The snakes coils their eggs. They protect their eggs by attacking the predators.

Are ostriches hatched from eggs?

Yes then the hatch there own

How are copperhead snakes born?

Copperhead snakes reproduce sexually. You can tell because they are reptiles. All reptiles reproduce sexually.

Can a young snake find its own food?

Absolutely ! Snakes are totally independent from the moment they hatch (or are born). A newly-arrived baby snake will immediately shed its skin - then disperse in search of its first meal.

Can khaki campbells hatch their own eggs?

If they're fertile, yes

Are King cobras nursed when they were little?

No. They are on their own the moment they hatch out of their eggs.

What helps make duck eggs hatch faster?

there is no way to make them hatch faster the have to go in their own paste