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No, the resources of the South were only crops, no factories, no munitions, no mills. The South has plantations and some cattle, cotton and some timber, but nothing for help during time of war.

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Q: Did the south have more resources then the north?
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What were the major differences between the north and south during the American Civil War?

Well for one the south had slaves. The south grew cotton and tobacco which would die in the north. The North had more industrial buildings and more resources than the south.

What was the bitterness between the North and the South in Civil War?

The differences between the North and the South were that North was anti-slavery, and the South was pro-slavery. The North had more resources, men, and money to spend than the South did.Ê The South was farming and plantation crops, and the North was more refined cities while the Northern states were more politically Republican, and the Southern states more Democratic.

Which side had better resources heading into the civil war?

The North held almost all of the industrial capacity of the United States while the South was much more rural and agricultural, meaning the North was able to produce much more equipment ready for war. More importantly, the North blockaded the South preventing trade, which crippled the South's access to resources.

Why wasn't the south wealthy during the civil war?

The South was dependent on the North and other outside resources. It was more decentralized and was not as developed as the North, which could sustain itself.

What were northern resources during the civil war?

During the civil war, the north had numerous resources such as vibrant industry that provided superior weaponry. The North had more manpower than the South.

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Did the north or the south have a greater economic resources in the civil war?

The North had the greater economic resources as it was industrialised while the South relayed on a slave and cotton economy.

What was one advantage the north had during the war?

The north had more railroad systems, had a huge population advantage so the south was out-numbered, and they had more resources. Theres more than one to choose from for you.

Did the North or South have better resources during the US Civil War?

The North.

What are the natural resources of the south?

The natural resources of the south are sweets, minerals, and more

Was it the north or the south that made gun powder in the civil war?

the south made 2% of the weapons and 98% were made from other countries that they bought

Why were the north and south so dependent on each other in the 1800s?

Both the North and the South had resources that the other did not. The North had all of the factories, money, and industry, but the South had all of the farmland.