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Q: Did the wright brothers use the Bernoulli's principle in the invention of the airplane?
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Related questions

What is the Wright brothers invention?

the Wright Brothers invention was the airplane

What was the Wright brothers first invention?

The airplane.

Was the airplane invention the Wright Brothers only invention?

wind tunnel

The wright brothers invention led to advancements in which type of transportation?

The Wright brothers' invention of the airplane led to advancements in air transportation.

Who was the first ot invent the plane?

The Wright Brothers are credited with the invention of the airplane.

What was the exact name of the patent the Wright Brothers received for their airplane invention?

Flying- Machines,

How does the airplane invention of the wright brothers work?

The wind push the airplane. And they make the first engines a cylinder of 12 horse power.

The invention of the airplane?

The Wright Bothers. When you google that, you will find many more answers :)

How was the Wright Brothers invention the airplane discovered?

the flying bird came to Africa to discover food

What did the wright brothers have to do with the westward expansion?

With their invention of the airplane it allowed transportation to be a lot more easier and expanded travel to the west.

How did the wright brothers impact American life?

The Wright Brothers with their invention of the airplane impacted life in a great way. First of all they made the world a smaller place. Before the airplane many places appeared to be far and were hard to get to. With the airplane, going to any location is easier and faster.

Why was the invention of the airplane by the wright brothers so important?

It was so important because it was the first Airplane to be built. This changed the way we people use transportation, and made traveling a lot easier.