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Q: Did they tame animals in the old stone age or the new stone age?
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How was life in the new stone age different from life in the old stone age?

In the New Stone Age, also known as the Neolithic period, people began to settle in permanent villages, farm the land, domesticate animals, and develop more complex societies. This was a shift from the Old Stone Age, or Paleolithic period, where people were mainly hunter-gatherers who followed the migration of animals and foraged for food. The Neolithic period saw the beginning of agriculture, pottery-making, and the development of more sophisticated tools and technologies.

During Which age did humans learn domesticate plants and animals?

I believe sometime in the New Stone Age humans had learned to tame and breed animals for their own use.

When did domestication of animals begin?

When did domestication of animals begin? The answer is at the end of the old stone age and the beginning of the new stone age.

What is the difference between the new stone age and the old stone age?

The main difference between the New Stone Age (Neolithic) and the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) is the level of cultural advancement and technological development. The Neolithic period saw the development of agriculture, domestication of animals, and settled communities, while the Paleolithic period was characterized by hunter-gatherer societies and the use of simple tools. Essentially, the transition from the Old Stone Age to the New Stone Age marked the shift from a nomadic lifestyle to a more settled way of life.

What was New Stone Age?

The New Stone Age, also known as the Neolithic period, was a time in human history characterized by advancements in agriculture, the development of farming practices, and the domestication of animals. It is often considered a significant milestone in human development as societies began to settle in one place, leading to the establishment of permanent settlements and the growth of more complex societies.

Is flint old Stone Age or the New Stone Age?

Flint tools were commonly associated with the Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic era. During this time, early humans used flint to create tools for hunting and survival, marking an important development in human history.

What characterized the old stone age the middle stone age and the new stone age?

The Old Stone Age (Paleolithic period) was characterized by the use of simple stone tools and hunting and gathering as the primary way of life. The Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic period) saw the development of more advanced stone tools, increased social complexity, and the beginning of domestication of plants and animals. The New Stone Age (Neolithic period) marked the widespread adoption of agriculture, leading to settled communities, pottery, and more sophisticated tools and technologies.

Is farming from the old stone age or the new stone age?

it is new stone age

What are the characteristics of the new stone age?

domesticated animals pottery weaving tools clothes

Is nomadic lifestyle new stone age or old stone age?

New stone age

Is sturdy hoes from new stone age or old stone age?

new stone age

Is permanent settlements Old Stone Age or the New Stone Age?

new stone age