

Difference about Chinese and Japanese

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Japanese people now claim that on the genetic level, the majority (40%-50%) of them belong to Haplogroup D2 (Y-DNA), and so they are a "rather homogenous group of people". Because Haplogroup D2 (Y-DNA) is also the marker of the indigenous Ainu people, they are "directly descended from the very first peoples who inhabited the land" and so they have "a legitimate claim to the land".

Haplogroup D2 (Y-DNA) is a child of Haplogroup DE (Y-DNA), which in turn is also the parent of Haplogroup E (Y-DNA). Haplogroup E (Y-DNA) occurs in very high frequencies in sub-Saharan Africa. In other words, it can be said that the Japanese people are more related to Tibetans, Andanamese, sub-Saharan Africans (in that order), rather than to the Chinese people, who are majority Haplogroup O (Y-DNA). Southern Chinese have the highest incidences of Haplogroup O (Y-DNA). The Chinese people are thus more related to the Caucasians of Haplogroup R1 (Y-DNA), via their common ancestor Haplogroup MNOPS (Y-DNA).

The perception that Chinese and Japanese people look similar may be due to the similar latitude and/or environments in which they evolve in the more recent past.

The Japanese further claim that they are majority Haplogroup D4 (mtDNA) via the maternal line.

Haplogroup D4 (mtDNA) is most frequently found among Koreans, and it is claimed that Haplogroup D4 (mtDNA) is a major contributor to Japanese longevity. That said, the parent Haplogroup D (mtDNA) can be found in high frequencies in the peoples of Central Asia.

The Japanese also claim Haplogroups (mtDNA) B and F to be present in lower frequencies in their maternal lines, but these do not contribute to Japanese longevity.

Haplogroups (mtDNA) B and F are more frequently found in Southern Chinese and Southeast Asian populations. Compared to Haplogroup D (mtDNA), Haplogroups (mtDNA) B and F are much more closely related to Haplogroup H (mtDNA), which is frequently found among Caucasians, via their common ancestor Haplogroup R (mtDNA).

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