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Q: Difference between internal check and internal control on Wikipedia?
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An audit is performed by an outside party; a control is exercised by an internal party. A control provides assurance to management, while an audit provides assurance to outside investors.

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ØInternal control •Allows motivated individuals and groups to exercise self-discipline in fulfilling job expectations. ØExternal control •Occurs through personal supervision and the use of formal administrative systems.

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Difference between control process and process control is that system control process is typically the large scale version of where process control is used.

Difference between internal check and internal control?

Internal check can be defined as the checks on day to day transactions which is a part of routine system where by the work of one person is proved or complementary work to another. The object being the prevention or earlier detection of error or fraud

What is the difference between control and prevention?

Control refers to managing or reducing the impact of a disease or condition that is already present, while prevention involves taking measures to avoid the occurrence of the disease or condition altogether. Control strategies focus on minimizing the spread and impact of an existing problem, whereas prevention strategies aim to stop the problem from happening in the first place.

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