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Potential difference.

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Q: Difference in a charge between two electrodes in a cell causes a ----between electrodes?
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What causes charging?

There is a difference between a charge and a static charge. A static charge occurs when positive and negative electrons separate themselves to form a conduct charge.

What is the difference between a physical charge and a chemical charge?

Your telling me!

Difference between a floating charge and a fixed charge?

fixed and floating charge

How do chemical reaction charge electrodes?

Chemical reactions occur between the electrolyte and the electrodes in an electrochemical cell. These reactions cause one electrode to become negatively charged and the other electrode to become positively charged.

Can potential difference ocur without current?

Yes. This is the build up of charge. The difference in charge, aka the potential difference, is the driving force that causes current to flow. The third law of thermodynamics is in action when the circuit is completed and the current flows between two point as a result of the potential difference between those two points. (p.s. I am an American girl)

What is the difference between a city criminal charge and a county criminal charge?

I live in Utah and I have found there is no difference

The difference between charge and current?

Charge is potential, current is flowing.

What is th potential difference that causes charges to move in a circuit?

The answer is voltage, resistance, electric discharge, and current. It is caused by a difference in energy stability between two points that favors a charge to move down a potential difference.

Difference between electrical current and electrical charge?

current is the flow of charge.

What is the difference in charge between a proton and a neutron?

The proton has a +1 charge, while a neutron has no charge, and is neutral.

Whats the difference between electrons and protons?

Electrons have a negative charge and protons have a positive charge.

What is the difference in electrical charge between two regions on a nerve?

potential difference- robbert bashouri