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A neutral atom has not an electrical charge; only cations have a positive charge.

Using an electrochemical cell with two electrodes (anode and catode) you can determine the charge of ions in the solution.

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Q: Why did scientists know that atoms have positive charges?
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Do opposite charges attract each other?

If the atoms have opposite charges (positive to negative) they will attract. If the atoms have the same charges (positive to positive or negative to negative) then they will repel. You can look at the Law of Electric Charges to get more information on this.

How did Thomson know that atoms must contain particles with positive charges?

He knew that in a vacuum tube metals can be made to emit streams of negative charge which were then called cathode rays. If atoms are neutral and can produce negative charge, there must be positive charge there too.

How do you know that everything is made from atoms?

If has been proven by many scientists.

How do you know what the charges are for any atoms on the periodic table?

by the vertical family (where it is located)

How did Thompson know atoms were neutrally charged?

Early scientists have discovered the negatively charged particles and the positively charged. The atom is neutral because of the presence of equal amounts of both the charges which cancel each other

How long did it take scientists to figure out everything we know about atoms?

2400 years

Why does negative charge move and not positive?

An isolated positive and negative can move for example in an electric or magnetic field. But in metals only the electrons can move since the positive charge is bound to the metal lattice by attractive forces.

How do scientists know atoms exist if atoms are so small?

Atoms could be identified by various technique. Single crystal X-ray diffraction is the most important in that.

How did scientists know that oxygen was a new element?

scientists knew that oxygen was a element as it had the atoms of only O i,e. oxygen and helped in increase in combustion

Can you break down atoms break them into little pieces?

Yes you can but only scientists know how to make it. It's called an atom bomb. It splits atoms.

An atom that is balanced or stable has the same number of negative charges as it does positive charges therefore you know that a balanced atom has an equal number of electron and?

protons and electrons .!.

How many atoms due scientists know of today?

i know the answer but like I'll ever tell u moron ha ha :) ^ immature :|