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The number of neutrons in each atom is not the same.

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Q: When scientists look at carbon-12 and carbon-14 what do they know about the atoms?
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scientists use carbon14 and potassium argon to find absolute age of rock

How do you know that everything is made from atoms?

If has been proven by many scientists.

How long did it take scientists to figure out everything we know about atoms?

2400 years

How do scientists know atoms exist if atoms are so small?

Atoms could be identified by various technique. Single crystal X-ray diffraction is the most important in that.

How did scientists know that oxygen was a new element?

scientists knew that oxygen was a element as it had the atoms of only O i,e. oxygen and helped in increase in combustion

Can you break down atoms break them into little pieces?

Yes you can but only scientists know how to make it. It's called an atom bomb. It splits atoms.

How many atoms due scientists know of today?

i know the answer but like I'll ever tell u moron ha ha :) ^ immature :|

Why do scientists use models to study molecules and atoms?

because atoms are unseen so scientists or philosophers only conclude what comes to their mind, their thoughts and ideas. how will prove this if you can't? that's the disadvantages of always basing yourself on theories of scientists. People believe easily to them because they are philosophers but they didn't know how they conclude their theories.

When scientists look at these examples what do they know about the atoms carbon-12 carbon-14?

The number of neutrons in each atom is not the same.

Why do atoms exist?

Scientists don't believe atoms exist- they know atoms exist. No matter what type of field they study, the 'theory' of the atom explains many things about matter and chemistry and what make things happend in the physical world.

What does the one-angstrom microscope allow scientists to see?

I can only tell you what I know about it. About ten years ago this sort of microscope showed images of lithium atoms for the first time. These are the smallest atoms apart from hydrogen and helium.

How do scientists know that atoms and molecules combine in well ordered arrays?

Scientists study molucles under a microscope in order to determine what atoms make up the molucle. For example, if you looked at a carbon dioxede molucle under a microscope you would see that it`s made of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. This is my first quistion so I hope I helped!