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scope of operation research

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Q: Discuss significance and scope of operation research in scientific managementi?
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Significance of operation research?

Operational research will help managers determine best practices within their industry. Many businesses use operations research to change their position in their industry.

What do you mean by research Explain its significance in modern times.?

Rescearch in common parlance refers to a search of knowledge. Research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic..

What is the significance of a research report?

The significance of a research report is that it provides factual information on a subject. When you take the time to research something, you get the truth.

What is the Significance of research in research methodology?

Research in research methodology is significant as it provides the framework and guidelines for conducting systematic investigations, ensuring that the findings are reliable, valid, and credible. It helps researchers design studies, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions in a systematic and rigorous manner. Research methodology also guides researchers in choosing the appropriate methods and tools to address specific research questions or problems.

What are the nature of research?

the nature of operation research?

Scientific research into the operations of the criminal justice system was encouraged by which federal act?

Scientific research into the operation of the criminal justice system was encouraged by the 1967 President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice, which influenced passage of the Safe Streets and Crime Control Act of 1968.

What is the significance of studying research?

to say why the proposed research is important

What is the significance of a researcher?

The significance of a research report is that it provides factual information on a subject. When you take the time to research something, you get the truth.

Significance of research?

The significance of research in any field is to provide more information about a subject. For instance, research helps us find ways of solving problems.

Significance of the study in research?

The significance of a study in research lies in its ability to contribute new knowledge or insights to the field, address gaps in existing literature, and provide practical implications for real-world applications. It helps advance understanding, inform decision-making, and potentially lead to further research and development in the area of study.

How would you explain Computer in scientific research?

for scientific research since their development in the 1940s

Explain How a research becomes a scientific knowledge?

Explain how a research becomes a scientific knowledge