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According to several political philosopher's: "The Native Americans live at the apex of human society" (Quoting john Locke) - IE: they have a higher form of social structure compared to the European version. The Native American social structure was rated above the common English social structure that is the foundation of the social structure of the United States.

With this in mind I would say that the change in that society was a step backwards not 'upwards' in any form.

To give examples (paraphrasing & quoting Locke):

1) Native Americans produce enough to survive and then enjoy a greater amount of time off, where the common man in England works every day of the week his entire life and passes on this debt to his children. Without any net gain.

2) Native Americans found a place for each and every member of their society. The young were taught by the old when they were too old to work, and knew more than the others, while the middle aged produced.

A) Where in modern society the young are taught by young people with 'degrees' (supposedly marking them as knowledgeable). Most high school graduates in the USA cannot speak or write their own touted language. Fractions and other higher forms of math are being removed in some states. Science is being diluted with non-science (some states have passed laws allowing "Creation" as science). When compared to other countries, a high school diploma requires 3 to 5 languages, higher forms of math, etcetera.

B) Old folks homes, rest homes, retirement villages are the staple of american society - when you get people too old to do something useful you stick them away somewhere.

C) Most people in modern society believe that survival itself is a "luxury" and not a right, even though that is against their most cherished religious and political doctrines. Healthcare, Food, Water and the like; Greed at its highest level.

3) Native Americans also understood sustainability and practiced it in every aspect of their lives. Modern society claims to seek that goal, without realizing they have destroyed the very means to reach it.

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Q: Discuss the cost to Native Americans of abandoning this traditional heritage in exchange for upward social mobility?
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