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From my experience I have found it best to do the following: Prepare and distribute minutes. Meetings will be shorter and more informative if all of the attendees know what will be discussed. They are also able to prepare questions accordingly. Have standing-up meetings. This is very effective in keeping meetings brief, informative and concise. Only invite attendance of those who will truly benefit. If you just invite everyone, chances are you will end up with lots of questions being asked by people who don't need to know the answers anyway.

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Q: Discuss the essentials of a successful meeting?
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Discuss the essentials of a valid meeting?

prepare and distribution of the minutes of meeting. It shiuld be shorter and more informatory. All participants must take the interest while attending the meetings and can give their relevent suggetions. The chairperson must respect the views of the participants. a proper record must be maintained during meetings. If meeting goes long , the institution should take care of the tea, refreshment or working lunch during meeting time.

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The essentials of success of business is customers,it's the foundation of the business who keeps for the long existance, without them (customers), the business will not be successful.

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What is a managerial meeting?

A meeting within a business or company where the managers meet to discuss operations and policies.

How can you identify the agenda of meeting?

You will ask the members and tell them to brain storm about the meeting or what to discuss in themeeting!

What is advisory meeting what is managerial meeting?

An advisory meeting might be a meeting of all employees to inform them about upcoming things. A managerial meeting is a meeting of managers to discuss courses of action for a business.

What is the correct sentence at the next stockholders meeting we will discuss benefits for employees and dividends for shareholders?

This is a correct sentence: "At the next stockholders meeting we will discuss benefits for employees and dividends for shareholders."

Who hosts a cabinet meeting to discuss foreign policy?

The president is the one who hosts a cabinet meeting to discuss foreign policy. This is one of the powers that have been expressed to the president by the constitution.