

Disease on slave ships

Updated: 9/13/2023
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9y ago

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Small pox and the yellow fever were two of the most common diseases on slave ships. This was because they lived in unhealthy, tight packed, and disease ridden spaces.

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Were there routines on the slave ships?

Life aboard slave ships was very cramped and disease was rampant. In good weather the slaves were brought on deck and forced to exercise, and they were fed twice a day.

What did they do to the baby's that were born on slave ships?

Most died from exposure,disease or their Mothers would suffocate them.

What was the plan of slaves ships about?

The plan of slave ships was to transport as many slaves as possible. This included placing them in tight quarters, which resulted in many dying of disease, starvation, and thirst. While the slave owners wanted to save each slave for profit purposes, it simply was not realistic.

What did slave ships look like?

the slave ships were wooden and they smellt horrible and the ships are really dirty.

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There were at least 130 sea men on slave ships.

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When slave ships landed, the slaves were taken to the slave market where they were auctioned.

Did slaves walk around on the slave ships?

Slaves were manacled and packed tightly into the holds of the slave ships.

What was the most common way for African slaves to die?

The most common was for slaves to die was either starvation or disease which they picked up on the slave ships.

What was the journey that the slave ships took called?

The Slave Trade

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large ships

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