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I can distinguish creation theory by saying that it is not a theory, but an ideology that has not a scintilla of evidence in support of it. Evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms, is a fact. The theory of evolution, which is the nonrandom survival of randomly variant replicators, explains the fact of evolution. Naturally, man, being a animal is subject to evolutionary forces.

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The Creation was a tradition going all the way back and shared by all mankind, not just a theory.

According to the theory of the Big Bang followed by evolution, the Universe (and this Earth) resulted from random events stemming from natural laws, and life then developed by random processes, especially mutations.

The narrative of Divine Creation, which is contained in Genesis ch.1 and 2, states that God created the universe. This teaches us that God exists, that our lives and the world are not random, and that the created things may be assumed to contain vast wisdom in their beautiful and purposeful design. (In recent decades, this wisdom has indeed been partially revealed, through increasingly powerful microscopes.)There are Creationists and religious people who espouse a belief in God-guided Evolution. Other Creationists, given the difficulties in Evolutionary theory, hold that this is unnecessary and that a recent and more direct Creation is the truth.

Evolution through random mutations, on the other hand, may be understood as implying that life is an accident, that perceived beauty and wisdom are ultimately purposeless, and that our instinctive yearning for the Eternal is just an electrical impulse in our brain.

See also:

Is there evidence against Evolution

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Q: Distinguish creation theory with the evolution of man?
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Is the theory of the evolution of man by Charles Darwin true?

Darwin's theory of evolution is very well supported by scientific evidence. It has been accepted as true, by most biologists. Some controversy does remain, however, on religious grounds. Whether you choose to accept this theory is up to you.

What are the theories of the origin of man?

To my limited knowledge of the scientific theory of the origin of man is that at some stage of earth's creation some form of life crawled from the sea. Many years later it became man through various stages of evolution. If one accepts this as being but one theory then one must accept that there are others. Remember that a theory does not contain all truth, but as the term suggests it is but a theory and is likely to change as new evidences are found. If however one brings God into the equation then one will be bought nearer to the truth, that some power greater than man could organise man from the dust of the earth and put into him his spirit so that he became a living soul. One must also be mindful that the eagerly sought after "Missing Link", that is when the beast eventually became man has never been found.

What is the difference between the origin of man and the creation of man?

The origin of man is within the realm of science, while the creation of man is an alternative hypothesis within the realm of religion.Science tells us that man originated by evolution from more primitive ancestors, millions of years ago.Many religions have stories about the creation of man. The abrahamic account, taught by Judaism, Christianity and Islam, is that God created man a few thousand years ago.The first tribe of Homo sapiens lived in Africa.

Discuss the evolution of man as a tool making being in social science?

Discuss the evolution or man as a tool making being ? Discuss the evolution of man as a tool making being ?

What are some of the issues that separate creationism from evolution?

In reality there are no issue between Creationism and Evolution. Creationism is based on Supernatural and Evolution is based on Natural laws. Conflict arises when one side tries to discredit the other side.

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The three approaches in the story of man?

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Resolved That man made by god.?

This ongoing debate between religion (God created man) and science (theory of evolution) about "creation" has never been resolved as God, himself, can neither be proven nor dis-proven. Also, the theory of evolution has also yet to be proven.

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Unfortunately, the evolution of man cannot be traced in a continuous way. This is why many people doubt that the theory of evolution is more than a theory. Scientific evidence does follow the evolution of man but there are gaps that are not explained.

Do muslims believe in creationn?

Yes, Muslims believe in creation. However, Muslims believe also in evolution but not as Darwin claiming in his theory. Evolution is the way God created in His creatures to adapt with changes in environment. Muslims believe that man is created by God and that man is not an evolution of monkey as Darwin claiming.

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Darwin and another man.

What Darwin was famous for?

He is famous for his theory of man's evolution.

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Charles Darwin

What created human kind?

This question has been debated for many years. There are two theories, a religious theory and an evolution theory. The religious theory states that man kind was created by god. The other theory is that man kind came about through evolution.

What is the Quran's teaching on the creation of the universe and man?

The creation of universe and man is supernatural. Science disproves evolution. Unable to create any self reproducing organism. Therefore creation has to be supernatural.

How compatible is Charles Darwin's theory of evolution with the biblical account of creation of human beings as found in the bible?

If you take the genesis tale metaphorically then you may be able to fit evolutionary theory in a Procrustean fashion to religious belief in the creation of man. Otherwise, genesis is not at all factual and explains nothing by trying to explain everything.

What are the 2 general explanations on the origin of man?

Well either you believe in Creation or you believe in Evolution.

What are the three theories that seek to explain the origin of man?

The scientific explanation for the origin of man is called the Theory of Evolution'.God spoke man (both male and female) into existence as his last act of creation (Genesis 1:27). This is from the first creation account in Genesis.God created a man (Adam) out of moist earth (Genesis 2:7) and later created a woman out of Adam's rib (Genesis 2:2). This is from the second creation account in Genesis.Other religions also have different accounts of their gods creating man.