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They may. Excessive saliva production could be a symptom of something else though, something that is a bit more serious than a heifer loosing baby teeth.

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Q: Do 2 year old heifers drool when losing teeth?
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Should 11 year old girls still be losing teeth?

it depends on the person. Like my friend was 10 when she lost all her baby teeth, but i think a 11 year old should not be losing baby teeth still like i said it depends on the person. Hope this helps!

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What are the symptoms of a 2 year old heifer losing teeth?

There are no symptoms. It's actually quite natural for a heifer at that age to be loosing teeth, especially the front incisors, because she is shedding her baby teeth and growing in her adult teeth. It may be different if she's losing molars because she could have some sort of infection in the jaw that may need veterinary attention.

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That sounds serious enough to me to warrant an immediate visit to the pediatrician.

When was Losing a Whole Year created?

Losing a Whole Year was created in 1998.

Do cows lose teeth?

Herbivorous teeth: flat, angled incisors and flat molars to chew grass. Cows only have a lower set of incisors, and have no teeth on the upper part of their jaw except for the molars in the back to grind forage. All ungulates (including cows) lack upper incisors and "canine" teeth.

What kind of teeth do American bison have?

Bison have 12 molars, 12 premolars, 2 canines, and 6 incisors, for a total of 32 teeth. They have a high crown that curves slightly downward. Like most animals, buffalo are born with baby teeth (milk teeth) which they begin losing at about a year old when their first permanent teeth grow in.

Why is my dog randomly drooling today?

He could be having puppies or he could be in pain.

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they have 11 teeth they have 11 teeth they have 11 teeth

What is the number of teeth 10 year old has?

24 teeth

How many teeth should a 10 year old have have?

a 10 year old should have 28 teeth

How many teeth does 11 year old have?

There are about 24 teeth in a regular 11 year olds mouth.