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Not sure but I have a normal Oscar and he is blind as a bat!! The bigger he gets the worse he is and his eyes are sort of cloudy!

Yes, for 5 months my albino was normal. swimming thought the tank, coming to the top water and take food from my fingers.

Now it swims into things, bumps into sides of the tank, to feed O I have to put the food in treezers and touch o's nose and then it will eat. Also he doesn't swim all over the tank he mostly floats, will swim to the top then float to the bottom . He bumps into the driftwood, crocks and tank sides.

I was told he was bullied and removed all tankmates, there was no difference.

Don't know if there is anything to do to regain his eyesight. No sign of illness, no hith, eyes are clear and he moves them as if he can see.

Will have to get him some contacts . lol

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Q: Do Albino Tiger Oscar fish have bad eyesight?
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It is an Omnivore. The Albino Tiger Barb needs to be fed a variety of foods including vegetables as well as meaty foods. Feed a quality flake food as well as freeze dried, live, and frozen foods such as brine shrimp and bloodworms.

How big is the biggest tiger Oscar?

Actually, having raised oscars for over 7 years they can reach lengths up to 2 feet. It mainly depends on the aquarium that you have the oscar in. The bigger the aquarium the bigger the fish will get. Also they will never outgrow their habitat. They are a very aggressive fish, so you can't just put any kind of other fish with them.

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Tiger Oscars really should only be kept with Tiger Oscars. if you can find a fish that can grow to be equally large and have the temperament to survive with an Oscar then by all means try to keep them together, but Oscars will eat anything.

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Could an Oscar fish live with any of these fish my Oscars are really young like not even an inch yet Cory catfish neon blue dwarf gourami angelfish albino gourami?

The fish will get bigger. Oscar will generally eat anything that will fit inside of their mouth. However, I have raised cats with an Oscar and the fish left the group alone. Make sure you have a lot of cover and you might be alright. Don't feed them Feeders! P.s - Don't let the Oscar get Hungry.

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very much so, best companion Ive found for my oscar, I have 4 in with my tiger oscar, they stay out of his way if he has a tantrum, and he swims with them at times. I removed them once and put them in a different tank, and my oscar got so depressed I had to move them back. Silver dollars do get to a good size, make sure you have room, they are schooling fish so you need 3 or 4+.