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(From a Sun-sign perspective): Virgo is practical and methodical, favoring routine, while Aquarius is erratic, abhorring any routine or commitment. Virgo will not enjoy Aquarius's tendency to take unnecessary risks and Aquarius may find Virgo too careful and unadventurous.

They may find each other very intellectually stimulating. The Virgo can give the Aquarius practical means to put their ideas to use. The Aquarius can expose the Virgo to new ways of thinking about things. Each may find this intellectual connection very sexually stimulating. However, Virgo prefers a simple, traditional take on affairs of the bedroom, while Aquarius likes to experiment. This pairing may do very well as friends, sharing ideas.

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Q: Do Aquarius and Virgo match
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A Virgo - Aquarius relationship tends to be turbulent.

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Aquarius goes best with other fellow air signs gemini, libra and aquarius. But we cannot base this fact only on astrology, you should give it a chance.

Are Aquarius men and Aquarius women compatible?

These Sun signs are likely enjoy conversing to each other with Aquarius bringing up unusual subjects that cause the Virgo to think outside the box; while Virgo can deepen Aquarius' knowledge base. Both have a humanitarian streak. Virgo may encourage Aquarius to put this to practical use rendering service to others, while Aquarius may encourage Virgo to come up with new and unusual manners to do the same. The Aquarius may find the Virgo too methodical and grounding ; while the Virgo may find the later too flighty and unconventional. The Virgo's interest in the everyday may clash with the Aquarius interests in the extraordinary. In general this is more of a platonic relationship based on the sharing of ideas and tasks. Other factors in the comparison of the full natal charts of the two people involved will modify this basic influence.

Are Aquarius women and Virgo men compatible?

These Sun signs are likely enjoy conversing to each other with Aquarius bringing up unusual subjects that cause the Virgo to think outside the box; while Virgo can deepen Aquarius' knowledge base. Both have a humanitarian streak. Virgo may encourage Aquarius to put this to practical use rendering service to others, while Aquarius may encourage Virgo to come up with new and unusual manners to do the same. The Aquarius may find the Virgo too methodical and grounding ; while the Virgo may find the later too flighty and unconventional. The Virgo's interest in the everyday may clash with the Aquarius interests in the extraordinary. In general this is more of a platonic relationship based on the sharing of ideas and tasks. Other factors in the comparison of the full natal charts of the two people involved will modify this basic influence.

Is Aquarius faithful to their Virgo mate?

Not always. Aquarius is more prone to cheating than Virgos.

Is a Virgo boy and Aquarius girl campatible?


If a Virgo man sacrifice everything can he get the Aquarius women?

Love doesn't have to mean sacrifice. If an Aquarius woman can't accept the Virgo man as he is, it's HER problem and HER loss!

Aquarius and Virgo?

I am not as knowledgeable in astrology as this question may need, but I am a Virgo, and the general description of a Virgo fits me pretty well. I have been in a long, serious relationship with an Aquarius for a few years now. Most sources will inform you that Aquarius and Virgo is a pretty bad match. My Aquarius beau and I have had some pretty rough times which could be due to our signs, yet we are able to make it work, and those hard times have made our relationship stronger. Somehow his Aquarius ways loosen my uptight Virgo personality, and I believe my Virgo ways focus and attend to his Aquarius needs. It may be a bit of struggle for Virgo and Aquarius, but I believe individuals can make a relationship work if they want, regardless of their signs. They make better friends than lovers. Not meaning to be too condescending but I am an Aquarian and as much as I am known to be the most calm and non-frontational personality, the "Virgo" is basically the "kiss of death" to me! lol For some strange reason, if I am in their space for too long even if just to breath air, they quickly develop a very angry mood or attitude towards me! It's so consistant and so predictable that even my glass is half-full positive ways cannot change it! Good for you both if you found a way to make it work! :-)

Can a Virgo and Aquarius get along?

Virgo & Aquarius tend to have turbulent relationships. Leo- Virgo cusp (Aug 19 - 25) are good in love relationships with Aquarius born Jan 23 - 30; marriages with those born Feb 8 - 15; and work well with Aquarius-Pisces cusp (Feb 16-22). Virgos born Aug 26 - Sept 2 have good friendships with Aquarius born Jan 31-Feb 7; and work well with Aquarius born Jan 23-30. Virgos born Sept 3-10 are good in marriages with Aquarius born Jan 31-Feb 15; have excellent friendships with Aquarius born Jan 31-Feb 7. Virgos born Sept 11-18 are good in love with Aquarius-Pisces cusp (Feb 16-22); in marriages with Aquarius born Jan 23-30 or Feb 8-15; have good family relationships with Aquarius Jan 31-Feb 7, & Capricorn-Aquarius cusp (Jan 17-22). Virgo-Libra cusp (Sept 19-24) are good in marriages with Aquarius born Feb 8-22; friendships with Capricorn-Aquarius cusp ((Jan 17-22) a & Jan 31-Feb 7;and work well with Aquarius born Jan 23-30.

Who is Aquarius perfect match?

Gemini, Libra, and another Aquarius

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