


Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) is one of the 12 zodiac signs that outline human personalities based on birth dates.

368 Questions

What kind of person is Aquarius?

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Generally speaking Aquarians are: communicative, thoughtful & caring, co-operative, dependable, scientific, independent in thought & action, magnetic, inventive, loyal but rarely jealous. They can also be tactless & rude, eccentric, self-interested, lack conviction and voyeuristic.

Aquarius men are very independent people, they like their space in relationships, they are very smart, and love a women whom they can have intellectual conversations with. They fall in love with a woman who is understanding, caring, encouraging and positive, and dosent rush him into things. He likes an independent woman who also has a life of her own. No one controlling, or obsessive.

They are great boyfriends and very action orientated. Its hard for them to express themselves verbally but do not blame him for this. Plus, actions always speak louder than words. :)

Be patient with him, interested in his everyday life, and always stay postitive and encouraging. Most importantly Always act like a lady. They love feminine ladies, whom they respect.

I hope this helps :))

Those who know Star Trek The Original Series - the character of Mr. Spock is much like that of Aquarius.

What is the temperature of Aquarius beta?

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Aquarius beta is a star located in the constellation Aquarius. Stars like Aquarius beta can have surface temperatures that range from around 7,500 to 11,000 degrees Celsius.

What if you have Saturn at 27 degrees Aquarius and the moon at 27 degrees Libra?

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Asked by Capricornjan5

Having Saturn at 27 degrees Aquarius and the Moon at 27 degrees Libra suggests strong intellectual abilities and emotional depth. This alignment indicates a harmonious blend between rational thinking and emotional sensitivity, allowing you to find balance in your personal and professional life. It may also point to a deep sense of responsibility towards your relationships and a need for structure in your interactions with others.

Is LM-7 Aquarius still orbiting the earth?

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No, LM-7 Aquarius is a fictional spacecraft from the movie "Armageddon." It is not a real spacecraft and does not actually exist in Earth's orbit.

How does for instance the Age of Aquarius come about?

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The Age of Aquarius is a term in astrology that refers to a period when humanity will experience enlightenment, unity, and spiritual growth. It is said to follow the Age of Pisces and is believed to bring a shift in consciousness and a focus on humanitarianism and innovation. The exact timing and significance of the Age of Aquarius is debated among astrologers and scholars.

WHEN IS SUN mars and mercury closest TO Aquarius?

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The Sun is closest to Aquarius around January 20 - February 18 each year. Mars is closest to Aquarius when it transits through the sign, which can vary each year, but generally occurs for a few weeks every couple of years. Mercury can be closest to Aquarius when it is in the sign or during its retrograde periods, which happen around 3-4 times a year and can last for about 3 weeks each time.

What are the coordinates for Aquarius?

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Aquarius is a constellation in the southern sky, located between 20 degrees to 50 degrees south of the celestial equator. Its coordinates vary depending on the specific star or point within the constellation being referenced.

What is the latitude and longitude of the constellation Aquarius?

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Aquarius is not a single point in space, but rather a constellation made up of many stars at different distances. The center of Aquarius is approximately at a celestial latitude of -10 degrees and a celestial longitude of 330 degrees. These coordinates are specific to the celestial sphere and cannot be directly translated to Earth's latitude and longitude.

What is the temperature of constellation Aquarius?

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Constellations are made up of stars that are spread across vast distances, so they do not have a single temperature. The temperature of stars found in Aquarius can vary widely depending on their size, age, and composition.

What physical traits does a female Aquarius?

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Aquarius women are often described as having a youthful appearance, with expressive eyes and an air of independence. They may have a slender build and be tall or have a unique sense of style that sets them apart. Aquarius women are known for their unconventional beauty and may have features that are considered striking or unusual.

Where is Aquarius located?

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Aquarius is a zodiac constellation located in the celestial equator. It can be seen in the southern hemisphere during autumn and winter, and in the northern hemisphere during spring and summer.

How far away is Aquarius?

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Aquarius is a constellation, not a single star. The constellation contains a very large number of stars and other cosmic objects which have no astrophysical relationship with one another. It is simply that they are located in such a direction, and are so far away, that they appear to move together. The distances to the cosmic objects that make up Aquarius range from 11.3 light years to 6,792 light years. You can take your pick as to which number in that range represents the distance to Aquarius.

Why does the vernal equinox lie in the constellation of Aquarius?

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The vernal equinox occurs when the sun crosses the celestial equator and marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. While it used to fall in the constellation of Aries, due to the precession of the Earth's axis, it is now located in the constellation of Pisces and is moving towards Aquarius. This shift is a result of a slow wobble in the Earth's rotational axis and takes about 26,000 years to complete one full cycle.

What is an Aquarius?

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An Aquarius is someone born between January 20th and February 18th. In astrology, Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac and is associated with traits such as independence, uniqueness, and humanitarianism. They are often considered to be progressive thinkers and good communicators.

Can a Aquarius woman go with a Virgo man?

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No! Aquarius can be too cold and freaky and Virgo can be too sensitive.

Wouldn't usually be compatible. But, can depend on ascendant and moon signs.

They can sexually arouse each other, though.

What is the friendliest Zodiac sign?

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The friendliness of a person cannot be determined with the aid of their Zodiac sign, as it is influenced by a variety of elements such as upbringing, experiences, and character traits. However, some Zodiac signs and symptoms are regularly related to characteristics that are often considered friendly. For example, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius are frequently viewed as having pleasant symptoms due to their sociable and outgoing natures. They tend to revel in interacting with others, making buddies easily, and creating a superb environment in social situations. Nevertheless, it is fundamental to take into account that people of any signal can showcase friendliness depending on their special traits and lifestyle circumstances.

What are New Age beverages?

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New Age beverages are a category of non-alcoholic drinks that typically contain ingredients such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other functional components that are marketed as providing health benefits beyond basic hydration. These beverages often focus on natural and organic ingredients to appeal to health-conscious consumers. Examples include kombucha, coconut water, and herbal teas.

What time does the sun enter Aquarius 2010?

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The sun enters Aquarius in late January and stays in that sign until mid-February. Specifically, in 2010, the sun entered Aquarius on January 19th and exited on February 18th.

Does Aquarius start January 19?

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In astrology, Aquarius usually begins on January 20th and ends on February 18th. However, there could possibly be slight versions relying on the astrological machine or interpretation you are following. Some structures would possibly reflect on the consideration of January 19 as the beginning date for Aquarius, specifically if they use the sidereal zodiac or different choice methods.

Do Aquarius and Capricorns get along?

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Astrology says that Libra & Capricorn are NOT compatible on a relationship level. But friendship can be possible. These two signs have a quite hard time understanding each other. Remember that Capricorn is an Earth sign, while Libra is an air sign. They both have different approaches to life, therefore, these two individuals would have to set aside their differences to be able to tolerate each other.

Capricorn and Aquarius?

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do gemini and capricorn get along

Would Aquarius girl and Capricorn boy make a good couple?

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On my personal perception, I would say:

Because love actually doesn't have to do with zodiac signs, is more related to what you feel about your couple.

[I know this can be discussed, so do it]

Can Aquarius wear diamond?

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Of course they can.It's just a belief that their birthstone must only be Blue Sapphire.Wearing Diamond is not only for the Libra,it can be wear by any other sign.If you really believe in this but would really like to wear Diamond,then what will you do?

What is Aquarius perfect love match?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no such thing as a perfect love match. But if you believe in the Universe and The Stars, then there is a very long answer. The straight answer is Virgo, but the list could go on forever. ----------------------------------------------- Virgo's Basic Features: * Normally Average Hight, or just above. * Usually graceful and charming. * Prone to question you more than the average person. * Physical Features are normally feminine (sorry boys). - Positive Traits: Modest, shy, meticulous, tidy, reliable, practical, diligent, analytical and intelligent. - Negative Traits: hypercritical, harsh, conservative, overly-fastidious, overly-conventional, finicky, a perfectionist and a worrier - Likes: Lists, hygiene, order, detail, precision, wholesomeness, health foods and perfection (even in minutiae. - Dislikes: Squalor, uncertainty, health hazards, sloppy workers and anything deemed to be sordid. ----------------------------------------------- Aquarius have similar personally traits, and are attracted to people with similarities. ----------------------------------------------- Aquarius's Basic Features *Loves water. *Graceful and charming. *A great kisser. *Normally Attractive - Positive Traits: Thoughtful, caring, cooperative, dependable, loyal friendship, inventive, nice, appreciative, scientific, always looking on the good side of things, generally positive about everything. - Negative Traits: Unwilling to share ideas, selfish, shy, lack of confidence, can be extremely rude if in a bad mood, and lazy. - Likes: Order, sleekness, cleanliness, positive energy, intelligence, water, calm, quiet, and technology. - Dislikes: Negative people, complainers, dirtiness, uncertainty, health hazards, and sloppy workers. ----------------------------------------------- Aquarius and Virgo are attracted to each other because of their similarities, and match each other well because they enjoy each other, and rarely ever fight. But because of such similarities they do not complete each other, and live in harmony in different ways to most couples. Even so, Aquarius and Virgo are very capable of long lasting relationships. ----------------------------------------------- I am personally Aquarius, and have done a lot of research. If you just were to surf the net for a while, you'll find that sites like Wikipedia have lots of information about this stuff. Ignore those ads on the side of sites that are "Love Calculators", based on Star Signs. They are completely Guestimated. ---------------------------------------------- But in the end, nothing is certain. Everyone is uniquely different, and may not fit to the descriptions of the Star Signs. ---------------------------------------------- Helpful Links: * * * Or Google It. ---------------------------------------------- This Page Was Written By Grace E. R.

Leo and Aquarius in relationship?

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Leo likes a challenge and can find Aquarius quite rebellious, unpredictable and exciting, always keeping them on their toes but will get confused when Aquarius seems aloof about the whole thing Leo will wonder what their motives are and demand they be more focused.

Communication will be this couples biggest hurdle and will often feel as though they are from different planets. Leo is a action taker ruled by their heart and Aquarius is a dreamer ruled by their mind.