

Best Answer

No. The 'Lord's Supper' or Commnion is purely a Christian phenomenon.


Some do... There are Christian Buddhists. I know, seems like an oxymoron!! However, if you ask a Buddhist that practices only Buddhism what religion they are they will not say Buddhism. Buddhism, to the Buddhist is not a religion, but a way of life. Buddhists do not worship deities. They accept all religions as well. Therefore one can be a Buddhist and a Christian. So when you as "Do Buddhists incorporate the lords supper into their ceremonies" you can have several answers by several Buddhists who practice different religions as well as the way of Buddhism.

Further information which may be useful

Many Tantric Buddhists have a practice known as the ganacakra (in Sanskrit) or tsog (in Tibetan) feast ceremony, in which eating and drinking are practised as part of a sacred ceremony of drawing closer to their Guru. These ceremonies have a similarity to the Christian Eucharist (Holy Communion), and are most heartfelt practices.

Further information about Buddhists and religion: Some Buddhists, even monks or nuns, may say they are religious as Buddhists, and that Buddhism is their religion. However, it still stands that a Buddhist can adopt any religion he or she wishes, in addition to being a Buddhist, whether you consider it a philosophy or religion. Any religion a Buddhist adopts must be considered a peaceful one.

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Why do christians observe the lords supper?

because that way the can remember him and remember who he was

How often should the Lords supper be taken?

Most churches observe the Lord's Supper or Communion as often as once a quarter.

Who fixed the Lords Last Supper?

The inner keeper wife fix the last supper but she did not know. Because Matthew paid the inner keeper.

In what ways is the Passover like the lords supper?

It isn't. Some people think that the last supper was a Passover seder, however, the timing was wrong for that to have happened.

What is the biblical root of the lords supper?

because people were ment to clean his feet nut he cleand theres

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It depends upon the denomination you are speaking of. A small group in Christianity celebrate it on the 14th day of the first month (Nisan) after sunset.

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How often do you take the Lords supper?

Every Sunday

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The Lords Supper and Baptism

Why do you celebrate the Lord's Supper?

to celebrate why Jesus died for us.

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the Lords supper

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the Eucharist; Holy Communion; the Lord's Supper

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Roman Catholics celebrate the Mass of the Last Supper.

What must you do before you go to the lords supper?

you must believe in jesus..

Why do christians observe the lords supper?

because that way the can remember him and remember who he was

How often should the Lords supper be taken?

Most churches observe the Lord's Supper or Communion as often as once a quarter.

What is one group of people who don't celebrate Halloween?

Grace Baptists (England)