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Some. Some people are sick of Immigration and no we aren't talking about Mexico, we're talking about Canada. We're sick of "I live in Canada because I like seasons." So we go "I like seasons too, that's why I live in a country that skips the crappy ones."

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Some do some don't. It depends on the person.

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Q: Do Canadians like Americans
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Why doesn't Canadians not like Americans?

Canadians love everybody.

Why do Canadians not like Americans?

Not all Canadians dislike Americans. However, many Canadians get frustrated by the stereotypes that they are put under, and many Canadians are very competitive concerning athletic events like hockey.

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What is the prepositional phrase of Fredrick Douglass spoke to Americans and Canadians?

to americans and canadians

How do Canadians tell time?

With a watch and a clock- just like Americans do.

Are Canadians kind to Americans?

Yes we are kind to Canadians as they are to us.

How do Americans view Canadians?

we think your just like hockey and drink to much coffe

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Because they're a nice median between Canadians, the British, and Americans.

Are dutch people french?

NO. This is like asking if Americans are canadians.. dutch people are from the Netherlands, french people are from France.

Where do most Americans and Canadians live?

actually they live mostly along the Atlantic coast

Why are Americans mean to Canadians?

Actually, most Americans don't. The Americans who do are just prejudice.

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