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Volcanoes usually occur along the boundaries of tectonic plates but they can also occur far from any boundary, over a 'hot spot'. The Hawaiian Islands are a string of volcanoes that formed as the Pacific Plate slowly moved over a hot spot. The hot spot is still active and the plate is still moving.

Earthquakes usually occur along the boundaries of plates but they can also occur almost anywhere without any obvious cause. Of course, there is a cause, a shift of internal pressure that causes the rocks to move along a fault line. We are just not aware of the fault until it shows itself in an earthquake.

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Q: Do Earthquakes and volcanoes only occur along tectonic plate boundaries?
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Where do earthquakes volcanoes and mountains occur along?

Along the tectonic plate boundaries.

Where do earthquakes hit most often?

Earthquakes and volcanoes are more common along tectonic plate boundaries.

Where do most of earth volcanoes and earthquakes occur?

along plate boundaries

Earthquakes occur most often along the?

Earthquakes occur most often along the boundaries of tectonic plates.

Where are earthquakes or volcanoes likely to occur?

The answer is that earthquakes and volcanoes are most frequent along Tectonic plate boundaries, these are the natural pieces that the continents and oceans are on.

Where do most earthquakes and volcanos occure?

they are formed along the crustal movements of the earth.

What typically occurs along boundaries of tectonic plates?


Why do most earthquakes occur near tectonic plate boundaries?

Tectonic plates move along, against, or away from eachother at their boundaries. These movements produce earthquakes

Why do Earthquakes most commonly occur near tectonic plate boundaries.?

Tectonic plates move along, against, or away from eachother at their boundaries. These movements produce earthquakes

Earthquakes occur most commonly along?

tectonic plate boundaries

Where do most earthquakes and vocanos occur?

along tectonic plate boundaries

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