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No they do not. Land plants do not contain ergosterol; the precursor to vitamin D production. Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin of mammals through exposure of the skin to sunlight. Vitamin D can also be ingested in suppliment form or from foods including yeasts and from mushrooms.

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Q: Do Green apples have vitamin d?
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Do Green apples have vitamin c?


Are red apples more acidic than green?

The vitamin profile for red, green and yellow are similar. What will make the vitamin content vary will be things such as when it is picked, how it is stored, growing conditions, how it is prepared, with or without skin, etc. A sidenote: the nutrient profile of apples is pretty low -- a medium apple has 8 mg vitamin C, 5 mcg folate, etc. Apples are a decent source of fiber -- medium apple has 4 - 5 grams (with skin) and it also has a nice phytochemical profile -- quercitin, zeaxanthin and beta carotene.

What fruit has vitamin d?

there are no fruits with vitamin d, and the mushroom is the only vegetable that has it

Which vegetable contain vitamin D -?

Green, leafy vegetables. when you are in the sun your body can produce its own vitamin D

Is vitamin D present in green leafy vegetables?


What vitamins do you get when you eat green vegetables?

vitamin a, b, c, d. all contain vitamin. but different type of vitamin only.

Where can you get d?

You can get vitamin D from the sun. Your body produces vitamin D when exposed to UV rays from the sun. That is not to say that you should lay in the sun for hours, but if you are lacking in vitamin D, try doing some outdoor activities and eat lots of green leafy vegetables.

Do green apples taste better than red apples?

=In my opinion, green apples taste better than red apples, not a lot or a little better, just better, but if you ask me, red apples are better for you than green apples, because green apples taste better than red apples. Would most people rather eat fried food or grilled food? Obvious answer, but grilled food is better for you than fried food.=

Blood clotting vitamin found in leafy vegetables cheese liver asparagus coffee bacon and green tea contain vitamin D?

Vitamin K is a blood-clotting vitamin.

Does an apple contain vitamin b12?

No, apples do not provide you with vitamin D. However, apples do provide some nutrients including vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and carbohydrates.

Do ants like apples or pears better?

The glucose in apples highly outweighs the amount of glucose in pears, therefore, apples have a higher sugar rate, probably making apples taste better to ants. In addition, the apples have a high vitamin C level, but pears are only high in Vitamin D, which ants can easily get from sunlight. The vitamin C and glucose levels can easily be dissolved by their gastric juice and enzymes in their saliva, once glucose and vitamin C are digested in the mouth by saliva, it will leave a sugary taste, which every ant will be probable to like.

What vitamin is synthesized in the skin with exposure to the sunlight?

Vitamin D is produced by ultraviolet radiation on your skin. The UV light converts a precursor molecule to vitamin D.