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yes, hindus certainly believe that highest understanding has been achieved. But it can only be achieved by meditation.

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Q: Do Hindu believe in absolute truth?
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Why do some Hindus believe that they should always speak the truth?

According to Hindu belief system it is a sin not to speak truth. Truth is also known as (satyam)

What did RenΓ© Descartes believe was the one absolute truth?

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What is absolute truth?

Absolute truth refers to a universal, unchanging reality that is independent of individual beliefs or perspectives. It is often considered to be objective and timeless, applying to all people regardless of context or interpretation. People may seek to discover absolute truths in various aspects of life, such as ethics, mathematics, or natural sciences.

Is polytheism good?

Everyone on Earth has a different point of view on religion than anyone else, so it is impossible to say if polytheism is good or not. Christians, Jews and Muslims generally believe there should only be one god, so they are monotheistic. Hindus and others believe in many gods, and that is whats right for them. So if you are Christian, then the answer would be no. If you are Hindu, then it would be yes. Many people will say that what THEY believe is the absolute truth (like whoever answered this question before) but nothing religion related could possibly be absolute truth unless we had scientific proof. This is important.

Do people believe there are no absolute truth and justice?

Yes, some people believe that truth and justice are not absolute concepts but are dependent on perspectives and contexts. They argue that what is considered true or just can vary between cultures, societies, and individuals. This perspective is often associated with postmodern and relativist philosophies.

When was Tha Absolute Truth created?

Tha Absolute Truth was created on 2006-12-12.

What does it take to be Hindu?

You have to be a devotee to Hinduism to be a Hindu and believe in the gods that they believe in.

What is the real truth?

The real truth is this, ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Relative truth (or the truth that the non-believers have) is not truth, they don't have truth until they accept Jesus Christ! The giver of Absolute truth, because Jesus is that true truth!

Is truth absolute or relative?

Here's some food for thought.When you say, "Truth is not absolute; it is relative," is that an absolute statement?Please think about that. If you do, you will have the answer to your question.

Do orthodox Jews believe in absolute truth?

Jews of any group are not a monolith and therefore have independent thoughts on concepts. If you're referring to truth in the sense of a religion being the only 'true religion', then no, that is not a Jewish concept. Judaism teaches that Judaism is correct for Jews, however, different peoples have different paths to God.Jewish answer:Yes, we believe that God is true and is the source of absolute truth.

Would a Hindu believe the vedas are sacred?

Definitely! A Hindu will believe so.

How absolute or divine reyality is known as in Hindu?
