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If there was a custody schedule - you have the right to have it brought before the judge; that the custodial parent refused to abide by mandated visitation.

That said, how will you answer the question "What did you do during those ten years to remedy the situation?" If you have receipts, phone records and reports from investigators you paid over the years who where not able to find the custodial parent. You could possibly walk away with sole custody of the children. While the custodial parent faces charges of interfering with a custody order.

But! and it is a big one, were the children well cared for during the ten years? Is the custodial parent trying (from the heart), to remedy the situation now? Will you have 50/50 custody in the future? Is it in the best interest of the children or is it out of anger, if you were to press the issue? You need to answer these questions from the heart and then you need to have a heart to heart with the other parent and work out a schedule that is in the best interest of your kids. Good luck, I hope it all works out for you and your kids.

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Q: Do I have the right to ask why I did not get to see my kid's for ten years and yet I still owe child support?
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Depends on what your decree says. In most cases, child support is paid until the child reaches 18 years of age or when the child graduates high school, which ever comes first.

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