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of course everyone in college have to take the sat test in able to past college.

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Q: Do I need SAT scores to go to community college?
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What SAT score do you need to get into Hostos community college?

you dont need SAT for Hostos Community college

Do I have to enter SAT scores when applying?

You don't have to enter SAT scores on a collegeapplication, but for almost every college, you DO need to have college board send them your scores directly.

What is the best college you can get into with a 2.6?

It depends on your SAT scores, but it may be easier to start with community college.

What is the average SAT scotes of incoming freshman at Chemeketa Community College?

you dont need to have a SAT for Chemeketa, its a community college.

What is the average GPA required to gain admittance to Seminole Community College?

The average GPA required to get in to Seminole Community College is a 3.0 . SAT and ACT scores can help or hurt your chances of admittance.

What Georgia university does not require a GRE score?

Bauder, Macon, Georgia Gwinnett, etc. Many community colleges don't require SAT or ACT scores for admission. You would need to check with the admissions office of the college you are most interested in attending to see if they require SAT scores for admission.

Can you get accepted to college before you send your SAT scores to them?


Can you get into college with a lower GPA but high sat scores?


What are the grade requirements to get into college?

GPA, SAT or ACT scores. Also what classes you had in high school. It is different if you are transfering from a community college or just graduating from high school and what college it is.

On your original college application should you include your SAT and transcript or does the college ask for it later?

The college will ask for it later. SAT scores need to be sent from the SAT offices it self and the transcript needs to be sent from the school itself. you no touch those papers!

What range of SAT scores do you need to get into Harvard University?

Everything you would ever want to know about Harvard, including the average SAT scores!

What colleges accept advanced placement scores instead of sat?

No colleges accept AP scores instead of SAT scores. This is because the tests do not measure the same things.The SAT measures the likelihood that a student will do well in college, but is not accepted as college credit. The AP is used to provide actual college credit, but does not predict college success.