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If they want to.

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Q: Do Jehovah witnesses marry after death of a spouse?
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Do Jehovah witnesses have to married or can they live together?

Jehovah's witnesses must marry before they live together.

Can jehovah witnesses have boyfriends?

Yes and no. Young witnesses are told to date only with the intention to marry and to marry within their faith. Once they come of age for marriage, they may begin dating.

Do Jehovah witnesses marry young?

No, they do not generally practice this custom. In Cultures where this is the custom (such as in some African cultures) this may be acceptable as long as bible standards are respected such as to "marry only in the Lord" (marry someone that shares the true faith) and no other bible principles are violated.

Why do members of Jehovah witnesses not allow members to date none members?

Just as the ancient Israelites were instructed not to marry out of the Hebrew nation, it was a protection that would help them continue in pure worship.Today, Jehovah's Witnesses are admonished (not forced) to heed this bible guidance:1 Corinthians 7:39A wife is bound as long as her husband is alive. But if her husband should fall asleep in death, she is free to be married to whomever she wants, only in the Lord.Because of the many differences between Jehovah's Witnesses and most other religions, it really would be unwise to marry out of their religion. How will the children be raised? How would the non-believing mate & family regard the Jehovah's Witness not celebrating certain holidays?It is the wiser course to marry someone who shares the same beliefs as you do. It will make fewer problems in the marriage.

If you marry a man from nigeria will he get a spouse?

If you marry anyone, you become his (or her) spouse.

How old does a Jerhovas Witness have to be to go out with someone who is not a Jerhovas Witness?

They can't date a non- Jehovah Wittness. It's not a matter of age, in general Jehovah's Witnesses do not date or marry people that are not of their faith. A minor child under the legal guard of an adult would of course be subject to their wishes. An adult is free to date at they chose but most Jehovah's Witnesses chose to respect the bible mandate to seek a partner who is a fellow worshipper of Jehovah.

I really like this boy but he is a Jehovah's Witness and I'm not a religious person can he date me?

That will be up to him and his parents. However, Jehovah's witnesses generally do not encourage dating for their very young teenage (or pre-teenage) members since they view dating as something to be engaged in by those old enough to seriously contemplate marraige. Jehovah's Witnesses are encouraged to respect the bible mandate to marry only those that share their faith.

Do Jehovah Witnesses have to get remarried through the Jehovah church?

Yes they do. You have to have a perfect reason to divorce first and if you decline the first time you have to stay with the person no matter what.I could be mistaken but it sounds like the question is: If we are married before we join the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, do we have to marry again as Jehovah's witnesses?--Edit--The question is a little ambiguous, however the first answer above is not correct. Jehovah's Witnesses are not required to get married or remarried in their own church (or Kingdom Hall), whatever the circumstances may be. Some Witnesses choose to have a legal wedding service in a register office, and this is perfectly acceptable. There is nothing particularly special about a Witness wedding service, and the important thing is that the marriage is legal in the country in which it takes place.Most Witnesses prefer to marry in the Kingdom Hall, and unlike other churches, do not have to pay anything for this.--End Edit--

What is an assembly attended by Jehovah's Witnesses?

An assembly for Jehovah's Witnesses is like a Convention. All the Jehovah's Witnesses from a province or area, say the top half of the North Island of New Zealand, will book out a Convention Centre or Sports Stadium and they'll all travel for miles to all be together for 2 - 4 days of talks on subjects of interest to them and to pray. Because JWs are only allowed to associate and marry within JW society it is a good way for the youth to meet more people.

How would you marry a Jehovahs Witnesses seeing that the Kingdom Hall will only marry 2 witnesses?

Registry office.

If a man was divorced and then his ex wife died can he then marry in the Catholic church?

Yes he can marry in the Catholic Church. Death of a spouse is the only form of 'divorce' recognized by the Catholic Church.

Can Jehovah's witness's be in a relationship with christians?

Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians, but - like the Amish, Seventh Day Adventists and such - are not regarded as "mainstream Christians" such as Methodists or Baptists.From a Roman Catholic Point of View.A Catholic may marry any Christian baptized in the name of the Trinity with the proper "dispensation" for mixed marriages and they must go through the obligatory classes and paperwork required of all who wish to get married in the church. The Catholic Party must also promise to baptize and educate their children in the Catholic Faith. A Catholic may marry someone of a non-Trinitarian faith with the proper "dispensation" for disparity of cult and they must go through the obligatory classes and paperwork required of all who wish to get married in the church. The Catholic Party must also promise to baptize and educate their children in the Catholic Faith.Point of View from one of Jehovah's WitnessesAs has been mentioned, since Jehovah's Witnesses accept Jesus as the son of God and view him as their Lord and saviour, they view themselves rightfully as christians. Regarding the question posed, the choice of ones marriage partnere is viewed as an entirely personal decision. However, most Jehovah's Witnesses are aware of the potential problems of marrying someone that does not share their beliefs, (such as has been mentioned, the education of children, possible medical decisions that might have to be made as well as the daily decisions of married life) for this reason they take seriously the apostle Pauls councel to "marry only in the Lord" meaning to marry only one that shares the values, standards and goals of a shared faith. No sanctions are taken against those that chose to disregard this principle but problems inevitably arise as is always the case, when bible principles are ignored.Most religions do not actively encourage members to marry outside the faith