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Q: Do Jews believe Messiah will appear in Jerusalem?
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Do Jews believe that the Messiah will appear in Jerusalem?

We believe that he will come to Jerusalem. Where he will first appear is a matter of conjecture.

Do you except Jews as a Christians?

Jews are not Christians. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah. Jews (and remember- Jesus was a Jew himself) believe that the Messiah has not yet come.

Are Jews and christians believe that god is real?

yes the difference is that Jews still wait for the messiah and Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the messiah

What is difference between Jews and Christians?

Christians believe that the Messiah Has Come. Jews believe that He Has not.

Who do Christians believe was the Jewish Messiah?

Christians believe that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. Jews disagree.

What do Jews believe that God will send to save them?


Can you give some example of messiah sentence?

The Jews are waiting for the messiah to come. Christians believe Jesus was the messiah.

Is a Jew someone who does believe in Jesus or someone who doesn't?

The Jews do not believe that Jesus is the real Messiah, they are waiting for the messiah to come.

What makes Christians different from Jews?

Christians believe Jesus is the messiah, Jews don't.

Why is Easter not pleasant to talk about in Jerusalem?

The majority of Jerusalem citizens are Jewish. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, or spiritual savior; the Son of God and the King of Kings; that he died for our sins and rose from the dead. Jews do not believe this. They accept Jesus as a prophet, but not as the Messiah. When Jesus was alive, the Pharisees also did not believe he was the Messiah. Eventually, he was crucified by the Roman Soldiers and mocked by the people of Jerusalem. He rose again three days later. For forty days after rising from the dead, he stayed with his disciples and laid the foundations for what would become Christianity. Easter is the Christian celebration of Christ's resurrection from the dead, which proved he was the Son of God. Jews do not celebrate Easter.

What are reasons for divisions between Judaism and Christianity?

. Both Jews and Christians believe in God, only Jews are still waiting for the Messiah, whereas Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah.

Why are Torah Believing Jews Against Zionism?

That's mainly in the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish circles - especially in the Mea Shearim neighborhood in Jerusalem. They believe the Messiah hasn't arrived yet.