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The Torah (Old Testament) lists dietary laws that Jews follow. These are called Kosher laws. Some very observant Jews follow Kosher laws as well as a very small percentage of Christians. Kosher laws describe types of animals that are clean and able to be eaten. A kosher land animal must have split hooves and chew its cud. A sea animal must have gills, fins, and scales. Birds are more difficult, there is no real law, just types that are unclean. It is assumed that all Birds of Prey are unclean. There are other restrictions, such as not eating meat with dairy, not eating blood, and not eating thigh meat. Also, a food is only Kosher if the animal was killed humanly and with as little pain as possible. There are other small laws, but that is basically everything.

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Q: Do Jews follow special diets
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Diabetic diets are safe and healthy to follow. In fact, if you have diabetes and the diet has been recommended by your doctor, you may be endangering your health by not following it.

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The diets that follow blood types are ones that are not in the food pyrimad it is food that in really not real but it helps the person with the blood type out.

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Orthodox Jews follow nearly all the laws. Conservative follow some, but not all. Reform Jews follow little or none of the laws.

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The Torah.

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