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No. In keeping with the practice of the early Church, Lutherans do not pray for the dead and do not teach a doctrine of Purgatory.

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Q: Do Lutherans pray for the souls in purgatory?
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How are you going to save the souls in the Purgatory?

you pray for the souls in the purgatory for their salvation

How do you honor souls in Purgatory?

The souls in Purgatory are honored when we pray for their speedy entrance into heaven, particularly on the Feast of All Souls Day (Nov. 2).

What do the holy souls in Purgatory do for those who help them?

Probably pray for them.

Why do we celebrate all souls' day?

On All Souls Day we pray for the souls in Purgatory that they might be released early from the punishment they incurred due to any sins they might have committed during life.for remembering and praying for the souls of people who are in Purgatory, the place in which those who have died in agreement for their less important sins before being granted the vision of God in Heaven.

What belief is not consistent with the Lutheran church?

Purgatory and indulgences are a couple things that Lutherans don't agree with.

What is all soul 's day?

All souls bread or cake was made from whatever grain was available. it could be wheat, flour, rice, ect. It was the bread given out to the poor. It was believed that the poor would pray for your family that was stuck in purgatory. The more bread given out, the more people that would pray for the souls of the departed.

How do you honor the saints and the souls in Purgatory?

Technically, there are no saints in Purgatory. They are "saints in waiting" and undergoing a final purging. We honor the souls in Purgatory by praying for them, having Masses said in their honor, offering up sacrifices for the release of their souls.

When does the Church remember all that are deceased souls on?

November 1 is All Saints Day, and November 2 is All Souls Day. All Saints is when we celebrate all those who have entered heaven and are now Saints. All Souls Day is when we pray for All Holy Souls who are still suffering in Purgatory. Heaven is commonly referred to as the Church Triumphant, Purgatory is the Church Suffering, and here we are in the Church Militant.

What do you call a soul in purgatory?

The holy souls

What does all-hallowas mean?

All Hallows means all souls. All souls Day, used to be known as All-Hallows Evening (or Halloween). it was the day when the Church used to pray for the souls of all the dead, whom it believed were in purgatory, being cleansed of their sins.

Is there a purgatory for pets?

It is the Catholic faith that believes in purgatory and as that faith also believes that animals do not have souls, then no, logically, there can be no purgatory for animals.

What is the value of All Souls Day?

All Souls Day is probably one of the more important feasts of the Church year, in that it reminds the faithful to pray for all the souls in purgatory, not only our own beloved dead, but especially those most neglected, forgotten, or ignored. The souls in purgatory, while assured of their salvation, can do nothing for themselves, except endure the pain of being purified. It is up to us on earth to help these souls with our prayers and indulgences, which not only benefits the poor souls, but also is of great benefit to the living soul who is praying for them.